Florida Out of State Carry License

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Dec 2, 2006
South/Central Indiana
Hi all my father lives in Florida and I now have much more time off than I used to, so I'm thinking of visiting for a while. I have heard in the past that Florida issues non resident carry licenses, but when I go to the following website I don't seem them listed.


According to the site Florida and Indiana have a reciprocity agreement.
Which leads me to a few questions.

1. Does Florida issue non resident licenses still? I'm assuming they did before.
2. If I'm only going to spend a month or so there would it be worth it to apply for one?
3. Also Indiana doesn't require any safety/competency class, but Florida seems to, would I need to take one to get the non resident license?
4. Florida's regular license states that licensees are authorized to carry the following, "Section 790.06 (1), Florida Statutes, defines concealed weapons or firearms as those carried in a manner that conceals them from the ordinary sight of another person. This includes:

o handguns
o electronic weapons or devices
o tear gas guns
o knives
o billies
End Quote.
So does that mean a license is required to carry a pocketknife or is that just for fixed bladed knives?

Well that's all the questions I have at the moment, I'll add more if I think of any. Thanks in advance for the help.
Why not get an Indiana permit? Florida recognizes the Indiana permit, and according to Handgunlaw.us Indiana is a Shall Issue state.

Of course I could be wrong about your state of residence, but based on your profile it says you're in Indiana.

Anyways Florida does issue non-Resident permits because we don't recognize non-Resident permits from other states (example California residents using a Utah permit, since it's unlikely they can get a permit).

Is it worth it, IMO yes I believe in CYFG (Carry Your... you figure out the rest). But we do have a long back log at the moment, and it's taking over 3 months to issue permits.

Yes you need to take a safety class, the NRA First Steps class qualifies for the requirements, but so does a Hunters Safety class along with other options.

A permit is not required to carry a "regular pocket knife," but a switch blade (which are legal in Florida) you need a permit to carry. And no assisted blades are not considered switch blades in Florida (at least according to current case law).
Get both permits. :D

The Indiana CCW permit is not honored in DE, NV, NM, OH, & VA.
But, the non-resident FL CCW permit is.

So, if you get both permits, you'll add 5 more states in which you can legally carry.
Why get the Florida permit if you don't have to Utah is recognized in more states. And the Utah permit is generally easier to get.
For Florida, you need to take a class, have fingerprints taken and then submit the paperwork. Florida is 3 to 4 months behind on getting the permits out right now given the recent increase in handgun sales here. It may be something to do while your here, but don't count on using it until your next trip.
PPGMD I already have the Indiana permit ( I should have stated that ), I was just wondering if it was worth getting the Florida license in addition. Since it seems there is quite a backlog its looks like I won't get one anytime soon.
Thanks for the responses and info guys.
Why get the Florida permit if you don't have to Utah is recognized in more states. And the Utah permit is generally easier to get.
Because as noted earlier, Florida doesn't recognize permits from other states if you're not a resident of that state. If that wasn't the case you could get a NH non-res permit costing about twenty bucks and a week turnaround to get coverage for Florida.


I know how Florida permit system works, but if he already had Indiana, it's better to get Utah over the Florida permit.
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