What does your permit allow you to carry?

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Texas... If you qualify with a semi-automatic pistol, you can carry either a pistol or revolver...
Are you sure about that? I thought Texas only allowed you to carry what you qualified with. I didn't think the semi got you allowance to both. I figured you would have to qualify with both to be allowed both.
Found this on the Frequently Asked Questions about Texas Concealed Handguns. It doesn't specifically say that semi-auto covers both...


Q: What type of gun will I be able to carry?

A: You may carry any type of legal, concealed handgun you are qualified to use. If you wish to carry a semi-automatic weapon, you must complete your firing range test with a semi-automatic. If you do not wish to carry a semi-automatic, you may test with a revolver. You must demonstrate proficiency with a handgun of .32 caliber or above to qualify for a concealed handgun license.
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Since we are on the subject as to what you can carry depends on what you qualified with how does that work with out of state licenses that TX has reciprocity with?

I have both a NY State permit and a PA license to carry firearms and TX honors both. Neither of those states require that you qualify on a specific type of handgun... so I can carry either a revolver or semi-auto in TX?
The Texas CHL classes and qualifications are all based on the pre-existing system used for licensing armed security officers. When testing, you either tested NSA or SA (non semi-automatic or semi-automatic). What ever you get tested with gets stamped on your license. (bonus: Armed security officer may also have a STG stamp). The assumption at the time the security officer rules were written was that if you were competent with a semi-automatic firearm, you would also be with a revolver... but not the other way around. Of course, back when the rules were written semi-automatics were somewhat rare and most security officers carried revolvers and there was skepticism about the carry of semi-autos. Since in many cases the companies provided the revolvers, this kept a lot of guys from qualifying, and thus carrying semi-autos on the job.
...so I can carry either a revolver or semi-auto in TX?

Texas needs to toss out the qualification reg, toss out the platform specificity, and allow open carry. The current structure is just un-Texan.
Texas needs to toss out the qualification reg, toss out the platform specificity, and allow open carry. The current structure is just un-Texan

It does need quite a bit of reform, but please remember that the current format had to be set up and running in a grand total of three months. That includes not only figuring out the rules, but training instructors and setting up the application process.

Also remember that the bill that finally passed in Tx to create the CHL was essentially a re-submission of a previous bill that had been tailored to attempt to appease Ann Richards and her Democrats... which were soundly voted out before the 1995 bill passed. Texas has been slowly undoing those appeasement features ever since.

We're getting there, one legislative session at a time.
A bit more about Texas:

There is no permit needed to carry a rifle or shotgun, loaded or unloaded, on foot or in a vehicle.

As of 2007, it is legal to carry a concealed handgun in your vehicle without a permit so long as you are legally able to own said handgun.
Also, in Missouri, you can carry either semi-auto or revlver. Or both. You are not limited to a particular style or specific gun. To get your CCW permit, you have to qualify with both revolver and semi-auto during the shooting portion of the test. So that clears you to carry either.
As per the Ky State Police Conceled Carry Page we can carry:

What weapons are covered under the CCDW license? Click here for answer

* Any weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or serious physical injury, may be discharged.
* Any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife or hunting knife.
* Billy, nightstick, or club.
* Blackjack or slapjack.
* Nunchaku karate sticks.
* Shiriken or death star.
* Artificial knuckles made from plastic, or other similar hard material.

As per the Ky State Police Conceled Carry Page we can carry:

* Any weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or serious physical injury, may be discharged.
* Any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife or hunting knife.
* Billy, nightstick, or club.
* Blackjack or slapjack.
* Nunchaku karate sticks.
* Shiriken or death star.
* Artificial knuckles made from plastic, or other similar hard material.

As soon as you name a weapon like a blackjack or slapjack, you know that someone is going to ask if it's okay to use a variant. For example:

Sap Cap


Sap Gloves


How do you think your State would handle these and other variations?

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"Pistols or Revolvers" which are defined by state law as any firearm with a barrel less than 12" in length.A carry permit sllows you to purchase and obtain a retail sale permit for pistols/ revolvers AND is required to carry/ transport them- except under vry limited circumstances. That said while stocked NFA items (SBS, SBR, DD, MG, AOW [if scuh a beast can exist]) with sub-12" barrels require a carry permit to carry or transport outside your home or fixed place of business, you can not transport them loaded in MV or carry them loaded on a public road- because they are also bound by the encumbrances of our state's defintions for 'rifle' (effectively, any stocked rifled weapon) and 'shotgun' (effectively, any stocked smoothebore weapon).
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Technically speaking, in terms of a CCW....my permit allows for a revolver, derringer and/or semi-automatic handgun, since I "qualified" with a semi-automatic.

The only thing I can "openly" display [loaded] is a long gun, if in my vehicle.
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