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Flower of Southern womanhood. With thorns.

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Looks like someone I've seen in the OAF at glocktalk...:D

Nice work as always
Looks like someone I've seen in the OAF at glocktalk...

Nice to see you Soy! Yeah - I managed to find my way here - thank to Oleg and OEF_Vet. Thanks Oleg for the nice pics (as always)! I will model for you anytime. :D
Oleg, she is cute but outside of the weapons I don't see any throns. She dosent' have the look in her eyes that Tamara or some of the other women that you have used in your posters. But what do I know about making a poster. :)
This is less of an RKBA poster and more of a portrait. She's more qualified to fight than most people...I'll let her share her own accomplishments and experience, rather than try re-telling them. Maybe that friendly smile is a sign of confidence.
You don't have to look like a goon to be able to take care of yourself. I also like the fact that she looks just like anyone else you'd pass at the mall.

TC with a can? Hmmm, that looks like a very neat idea.

I'm not sure I like the composition with the muffs and eyes when not in a shooting situation or on the range. Perhaps my feeling is just a little too much knowledge being a stodgy thing.

I do like the "Hee, hee, hee" look with the TC.

Don't care for 3/4 pants, but fashion never was my strong suite.
Oleg, I'm not gonna tell you what you I think you want to hear, like so many others will. I'm gonna tell you what I honestly think, which is really the best
kind of feedback there is.

Unfortunately, you've peaked. A while back, actually.
Your latest stuff has gone *way* downhill from your earlier works.

It has no visual impact, the message is muddled, and there is no clever or
thought provoking premise to sway or influence opinion. You're starting to
get more and more abstract, and your message is becoming very unclear.
These images were not meant for the RKBA site. They were portraits of a friend, designed to simply expose the viewers to guns as mainstream artifacts.

I am well aware that I create few strong images, in part because I am far less angsty now than I used to be. But these two pictures aren't posters, they are portraits with captions.
my "intro"

Fastlane said: She dosent' have the look in her eyes that Tamara or some of the other women that you have used in your posters.

Oleg said: She's more qualified to fight than most people...I'll let her share her own accomplishments and experience, rather than try re-telling them.

I haven't properly introduced myself on this forum...and that is my fault. I am a 30 something RN, former military flight nurse, and 9/11 survivor who worked at ground zero. I am new to handguns and got my CCW after being attacked 10/14/2005 - home invasion/burglary/assault. The guy is preparing for trial and stands to serve 25-life when convicted. I have a lot to learn about guns, but I have a lot of resources available to me - thanks to wonderful friends. Sorry some of you don't like my capris - I wasn't aware that I was going to be modeling that day...it was kind of spur of the moment (as things usually are at Oleg's). They are comfortable; I like them...if you don't well, don't look at them! :neener: Anyways, you now know a little more about me. I am not a Tamara or a Betty...I am Cassandra. The pics were not for a specific poster or purpose. They were for fun. They were not meant to be harsh and intimidating...but believe me I CAN do that when I need to. Enjoy the pics for what they were intended. Thanks Oleg - my Mom loved them!
RNCHICK, what guns do you like and what guns are you qualified with? Kinda gives us a bit of knowledge as to what you know. You look alot like my wife when we were both young, years ago of course.

Hi rnchick,

Another nurse here. I'm also pretty new here too, and these folks have been tremendous help to me in my never-ending quest for knowledge. I started out just wanting to be able to legally carry a gun in the car for my commute to work; that has evolved into a love for shooting that I didn't expect, and a hope and desire for everybody I know to become more proactive in their own self-protection.

Great pictures. You look great, and Oleg did a good job. Nice to meet you.

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