For the people on the fence?

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Feb 18, 2012
LA....Lower Alabama, I think. The tinfoil confuses
This may sound like a little sarcasm but I would like to interject a thought. Mods feel free to delete/lock this post if things get out of hand.

Murder is against the law. Stealing is also a gainer the law. Discharge of firearms in the city limits is against the law(at least where I'm from). Attempting to kill someone and not succeeding is against the law. The list could go on and on.......

My point is these laws do not stop evil people from doing evil things. What would more laws accomplish? I beleive we should have laws that punish wrong doers.

Now for the sarcasm for the people that think new laws will stop evil. Lets pass new sweeping gun laws across the board. When the next bad thing happens(and I hate to say it will), hold the law makers accountable for not stopping the violence. They should be considered as accomplices.

Bottom line is new laws will stop nothing. Just a thought?
If we enforced the laws we have the echoes in all of the empty rooms would be deafening, but sort of nice i would think.
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