PRO-gunners in CA!!!

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Dec 25, 2002
Who says there's no hope for CA? In todays Sacramento Bee, there were three letters to the ed. about gun control.

ALL THREE were pro-gun!!! :D :neener:

Hope this link works:

Here is my favorite letter: (Its sarcastic...I LOVE sarcasm!!! :D )

The gun control test
Re "Handgun tests now required," Jan. 1: As the New Year begins, it is comforting to see our elected officials are ever vigilant for our safety. The new gun safety law went into effect Jan. 1, thanks to state Sen. Jack Scott, protector of the unarmed, and Gov. Gray Davis, that highly moral and decisive decision-making statesman.
I know I feel safer now that we have added one more law to the thousands already on the books. I'm also sure that the people of Los Angeles are sleeping better knowing that the state continues to protect them. Oh, wait, the murder rate went up 10 percent last year. I thought all those gun laws were supposed to protect us. I know I felt better when Los Angeles banned 50-caliber rifles. I was sure that would bring the murder rate down.

Scott and Davis are only interested in one thing: disarming Californians, one hurdle at a time. No valid study of public safety supports gun control laws as a means of making the public safer. On the contrary, some studies show that states with right-to-carry laws have seen a decrease in violent crime.

- Jim Gallagher, Sacramento
Thats wonderful. I hope that more people have had a chance to read these editorials. We need more people like them in the PRK.
Y'all are free to move here.

You do realize that if enough of the board members did, and could be counted on to vote, we could scare the heck out of the rest of the country.
Yeah, but they'd have to leave a few thousand Assault Weapons at the border... doubt it will happen.
Yeah, but they'd have to leave a few thousand Assault Weapons at the border... doubt it will happen.

Civil disobedience, my friend....civil disobedience..... :cool:
Unfortunately, the Sac Bee seems to publish more anti-gun related editorials than pro-gun ed, but it's good to see some pro-gun stuff. If you want good reading check out Dan Walters column on A3. At the last election, all their recommendations were Democrats. Anyone in Sac remember the Union? Was that the conservative paper for Sac?
There is an effort amongst members of the forum to send pro-gun letters to the editors of local papers. I sent in my letter at the first of last week, but haven't received a call from the staff to verify that I wrote the letter, so I don't know that it will be published. is a forum for us poor beleaguered California gun owners.

Here in California, gunnery is a dirty little secret among some shooters. :cuss: double-standard liberals.

They don't vote pro-gun because they don't agree with the entire conservative agenda. This is why the repubs in California can gather no steam. This is a pro-choice state. Conservatives are not favored by the majority of voters here.

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