forthcoming ban

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As I was perusing the firearms at the local Academy store, I overheard the salesman talking with a guy who just bought an LCP. They were talking about the possibility of a gun ban.

The salesman (a wiser older gentleman who has been there for years and whose opinions I generally agree with), said that with a bad economy, the firearms industry is one of the few that is not laying anyone off and is showing record profits. So any bans or restrictions on the industry would hurt the economy, and Obama needs to be able to show a strong economy, so we shouldn't worry.

IMHO, his logic is sound, but logic is seldom seen from liberals. Excuse the pun, but it would be just like the liberals to shoot themselves in the foot by passing legislation which would hurt the thriving firearms industry/economy just so they can advance their anti-gun nonsense.

I agree with others above that the legislation will likely be a while in coming, but it will come and I too am ready.

My prediction is it will happen after the congressional elections.
Get that interview (link) and post it up in a hurry! I'll post it up on

We've called Holder a liar based on his Heller vs. DC brief and he's wanting a "sneaky" AWB that will give him the ability to ban any firearm at will. Read the Brady proposal and the Blair Holt accountability act. This stuff's scary.

I've said it before and I'll keep on preaching it, we're headed for a Civil War and fast. When members of the military won't follow the President's orders becuase he refuses to prove his eligibility to hold our highest office and 20 states are filing for States rights, we're headed down a bad road.

Presidential candidtate promised he could fix the economy...people believed and were lied to.

Pres signed a pork-filled stimulus plan, then said "We need to cut spending".

Pres appoints tax-evaders to seats on the hill (full well knowing they had evaded taxes and won't admit it).

Pres refuses to produce citizenship documents (bc and passport history).

Pres appoints Mr. Gun Ban (Eric Holder) to the USAG seat full well knowing that he made the statement: The 2nd Amendment was meant for State militias, not the individual right to bear arms. Heller vs. DC brief.

Several Dems submitted Ammo coding bills, ammo accountability bills, microstamping bills, gun bans, etc which resulted in an explosion in the gun market.

Pres made the statement in October that we needed: A civilian national security force as equally funded and equipped as our current military. Why? Because he can't use the military against the people without Congress! So he can't take our guns without a major ban and a civilian authority to collect them.

Several Illinois politicians keep getting into hot water and/or submitting bs garbage legislation.

Reverse racism is abound...believe it or not? A white male Army lieutennant refused to follow Obama's orders based on his failure to provide citizenship docs (bc and passport history). His legitimate claim to be: I had to provide proof of citizenship to enter the military, so why should our Commander in Chief be exempt from something written in the Constituion. He shouldn't.
That "border safety" crap is just the handiest excuse at the moment.

My favorite one was when they told us we needed to ban black rifles and close down gun shows in order to keep guns out of the hands of Al-Qaeda. As if an international terrorist syndicate needs to go to a gun show in Podunk, Arizona to get guns.
We'll find out just how brittle and precarious the Bill of Rights truly is if the mass firearms and bomb attack will be tactics of choice for the next 9/11.
Yokel I agree 100% if we see something like Mumbai here RTKBA as we know it will quickly erode away to nothing.

Let's try and avoid the whole scenario of a civil war though guys. Maybe instead lets vote to put the right people in Congress in 2 years.
That's strange, I always thought Mexico was responsible for Mexico's problems. I must have missed the section of the constitution where it talks about being the worlds policeman and altering our own laws to benefit those of another nation.
Mike it's in the fine print and written in an ancient language that no conservative or libertarian can understand. However our President, Sarah Brady and folks like PETA members can see it clearly when they pretend to read the Constitution.
He did not say when but he did say it is going to happen to prevent arms from getting over the border to mexican gangs.

I love how no one ever calls these clowns on changing their stories to fit their agenda. A few weeks after Heller went through I read something on the BBC website about how good 'ol #2 was causing mexican gangs to get their hot little hands on all the fun stuff, the fun stuff being full auto P90s and other stuff that is completely and totally impossible for American civilians to own. The article even went as far as to say that the influx of those weapons were coming from crooked cops in Texas, which is not really a matter of our RTKBA, and more a matter of a) cops being elite citizens and having access to pretty much anything they want and b) abusing that privilege. More gun control, especially of the AWB variety, will do nothing...but of course, we all know that already. I really wish I could turn invisible so I could walk around D.C. kicking these idiots square in the junk whenever they decide to spread stupid all over the place, but then I'd probably end up with an overuse injury to my knee...
Let's try and avoid the whole scenario of a civil war though guys. Maybe instead lets vote to put the right people in Congress in 2 years.

You ever heard of GOOH?

BHO isnt the problem, its definitely congress. They have failed miserably to do their job and have outlived their stay in our house. It needs to be run by real people instead of career politicians.
There will be no talk of civil war here. You all are free to open a new thread and as long as you can keep all the tin foil hat ranting out it can remain open.

You need to remember where you are. This is THR an politics is off topic.
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