Found in the Washington Post Op-Ed Page...

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Not me. I agree that it's a good letter and am surprised the Post printed it.
I had a large mouthful of food when I read this at lunch today and almost choked. I still don't believe the editors put it in the center of the editiorial page.


Unarmed and at Risk

Tuesday, April 22, 2003; Page A18

I understand Omar Siddique's dismay that no one interfered to stop the brutal beating death of Clifton Stokes on a busy Prince George's County road [letters, April 12]. But I also understand the reluctance of unarmed bystanders to confront a large man in a homicidal rage. This is called "disparity of force," and it provides legal justification for the use of deadly weapons in self-defense.

Unfortunately, because of Maryland's strict gun control laws, no bystander was likely to be armed.

Police officers cannot be present at all violent crimes, but victims, by definition, always are. Without weapons, the weak will always be at the mercy of the strong.



© 2003 The Washington Post Company
Slowly the tide will change in our favor. I bet that by the time Ehrlich leaves office we will have some sort of reform with regards to guns in this abysmal state. The only question is, how far will it go?

Without weapons, the weak will always be at the mercy of the strong.

The sad thing is, packing heat is the great equalizer. It removes the advantage that a big, bad a## thug has over, say, a 100 lb. woman. Size and mass mean jack when said little lady is packing a .45!

The pro-gun stance is actually very pro-woman. Too bad leftists can't grasp this simple truth!

I've noticed the washington post taking a pro gun lean quite a lot recently. Did they change ownership or are their editors just tired of not being able to defend themselves in a lawless city?
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