Fox "News" not our friend

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Rupert Murdoch also owns the New York Post. Here's their take on things:

Murdock the CEO of FN is dead set against the 2nd Amendment, and fecal matter runs down hill from the top.

I have noted more and more how FN touts reasonable gun laws, as if there were not 20,000 already on the books now.

If gun free zones are so safe, why are prisons the most dangerous institutions in America?
Guns in the hands of the people is against the interests of all the elites - that includes politicians, media, Hollywood et al - not good when the peasants can shoot back while you are trying to herd them somewhere for their own good.

People from those groups who are pro gun are either those for whom it is a political reality ( can't get elected or lose their audience being anti gun) or the far smaller group who truly believe it is a right.
Thanks Johnny Dollar, appreciate that... You guys are right about Murdock. He at one point was outspoken about a world without guns...

If anyone finds an unbiased news network, pass it along... I have to get my news from the Internet, mainly to keep from having an aneurysm. Maybe one day...just maybe, we will be able to hear the truth, without a personal spin on it.
It's important to keep this in perspective. TV news and TV in general is fractured and controls a shrinking part of the public attention. There are videos of cats throwing up that have more viewership than even major TV shows now. And indeed if you want honest views about guns or any political issue, the place to go is youtube not any TV show. My own YT channel has only some very boring videos I put up to see recoil and check my stance, yet has to date managed to garner 179,608 views! That's a channel where the most exciting thing is a short video of me eating a half-foot oyster on a dare. I have one video I did to compare recoil with a Detective Special that has over 60,000 views. That's more than some "hit" cable TV shows.

The only people I know who watch FOX on a regular basis, or any TV news, are my 70-something parents. Most of the extended family is post-TV now. My sister's family has a video game WII setup in the basement and only use a TV for the occasional DVD. Not because they're against TV but because there is simply no interest in it. The kids never seemed to miss it. I personally haven't had a working TV since the late 90's. And the only time I see FOX news is visiting the parents. They watch O'Really religiously. I encourage them to go out and play video games but they just don't show much interest in healthy recreation like that ;-)
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Lots of good comments. Fox was the last of the mainstream media that I turned off. I don't watch any of them today. IMO theyre just the other side of the 'left' vs 'right', 'Dem' vs 'Repub' illusion that takes up peoples attenton and energy. Unfortunately, I have relatives who get all their 'news' from them still.
Yet, TV cable news is disproportionately watched by so-called "opinion leaders." You can't be a "political junkie" unless you watch this stuff. In turn, the "opinion leaders" influence the rest of us.
Hacker15E scores a bullseye!

Lazy thinking trying to oversimplify things to pro gun = "conservative" and anti gun = "liberal" or foolish assumptions about party affiliation and gun rights will lead to our loosing our rights.
O'Rielly is turning out to be just another anti-2A POS. He's stated repeatedly that national gun registration is "reasonable" as is banning 30rd mags. <deleted> that left-wink SOB all to hell and back....
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One of the major parties has gun control as part of it's platform. The other simply doesn't care.

There are plenty of Republican politicians and voters who are perfectly willing to sell out "a little" of the RKBA.

There are plenty of Democrat politicians and voters who see the RKBA as a civil right that is just as important to protect as all of the others.

There are friends and enemies on both sides of the aisle. To ignore that is to seriously damage the cause of RKBA.
You also must remember jerkface, the Democrat party has only had anti gun politicians in it for a couple or few decades. There are many who are older than the lines that people are trying to draw. I promise, there are many,many pro gun Democrats. The south has a ton of them...
What's sad is how long it has taken so many to realize FN and O'Really are bad news!

They're as much propaganda as any other boobtube news.....If you haven't shut off your MSM-TV news over (at least) the last 5 years and are not solely filtering the happenings of the world today from the web, you're part of the problem, not part of solution. :scrutiny:
Op, you're so right. I'm going to start watching msnbc to get my news from now on, thank you so much !
The right isn't necessarily pro-RKBA, and the left is necessarily anti. Keep an open mind and don't view everything as a giant Manichaean conflict.
To put it On the Record, we can count on these Fox News anchors,hosts and personalities to stand up for the Second Amendment,IMO. I've been watching FNC closely since 1998 and know the quirks of their Staff quite well.

In Alpha order:

David Asman
Eric Bolling
Patti Ann Browne
Harris Faulkner
Rich Folbaum
Mike Gallagher
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Greg Gutfeld
Sean Hannity
Mike Huckabee
Greg Jarrett
Andy Levy
Michelle Malkin
Andrew Napolitano
Oliver North
Dana Pirro
John Scott
John Stossel
Andrea Tantaros
Cal Thomas
Stuart Varney

There are 21 names. Search the rest of the Main and Cable Networks for similar minded 2A supporters. Try to find a half dozen. It won't by easy.

Give me 20 from every other MSM outlet combined and I'll get you Super Bowl tickets in New Orleans on the 50! :D

Now put up or shut up,pronto. Supplies are limited. :scrutiny: You have one hour. :evil:
+1, Fox as bad as it can be at times is way ahead of the rest of the pack that are in the left's pocket. Great list of 2A supporters. Thank you.
There are friends and enemies on both sides of the aisle. To ignore that is to seriously damage the cause of RKBA.

And yet what I said was true. One party has gun control as part of it's platform and the other one doesn't care.
I find it comical that people think one main stream media outlet is somehow different than another. They are owned by the same people and have the same agenda.

Modern day "conservatives" believe in perpetual war, regulating personal habits, and are just as willing as their "opponents" to spend the fake money. Nothing conservative about any of that. Time to realize the two parties are one and move forward.
I find it comical that people think one main stream media outlet is somehow different than another. They are owned by the same people and have the same agenda.

Modern day "conservatives" believe in perpetual war, regulating personal habits, and are just as willing as their "opponents" to spend the fake money. Nothing conservative about any of that. Time to realize the two parties are one and move forward.

Move forward. Lol. Where did I hear that term in the last 2.5 months? Sheesh.
FastCast is right on. Televised news is going the way of the dinosaur. More and more people are looking to online and more importantly independent sources to critically think their way to the truth.

Those who blindly absorb the news from any of the big televised new outlets are really disempowering themselves big time.

The owners have bet on both horses so to speak.
There are some good people at Fox, Stossell being one of my favorites. The problem has been their sensationalistic approach in the headlines.
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