Fred Thompson's take.

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Could Rice stand more racist remarks and bigotted political cartoons like the ones the liberals did when she became Secretary of State? It would take guts.
Could Rice stand more racist remarks and bigotted political cartoons like the ones the liberals did when she became Secretary of State? It would take guts.

I think so. I hope so.
She's got more testicular fortitude than most of them, and Sec. of State has got to be the ultimate grace-under-pressure job.

There are those in this country that would vote for a president based on their race or gender, and might conversely vote against a southern white male - all regardless of qualifications for the job.

Give that "good 'ol boy" a black, female VP, and the cognitive dissonance would be (almost) painful to watch.
Please,please,please run Fred! I have never actually had a candidate I was excited about and was ready to support.Perhaps now it's only because the potential crop on both sides is a such bunch of losers and I have long since lost faith in the current administration but the prospect of someone that brings common sense based upon the idea of individual responsibility that comes from individual freedom is a breath of fresh air.

If he runs,I will do my level best to support him.It wouldn't mean much in my state but it would mean much to me if he runs and wins.

4 years ago,I would have been 100% in favor of Condi Rice running for POTUS herself but she's not been able to prove herself in any meaningful way and in fact my opinion of her has plummeted.While I admire her intelligence and background,she has done a D job.
Derek Zeanah said:
Yep. Voting for Bush because he was better than the alternatives in the last 2 elections really worked well, didn't it? Hell, we almost got a Harriet Meiers and an Alberto Gonzales on the Supreme Court from that bit of good judgment.
But we didn't get those two. Do you think we'd be better off today if Gore had won? I was a strong supporter of Bush, and I'll be the first to admit that he's been a disappointment, and has failed to live up to my expectations. But I think we'd be worse off today if Gore had won.
Although I do have to give McCain some credit. He's been fairly outspoken (for McCain, anyway) since Monday on the lack of need for additional gun control. He's almost talking lately like a true pro-gun candidate.

Gee...wonder why that is
As an Arizonian, I can assure you that the only time McCain behaves like a conservative is when he is campaigning. We can't seem to get rid of him as our Senator, but I'd gladly keep him here to save the entire nation from his brand of "Republicanism."

The thing about Fred is that he doesn't really want the job, but feels it's his responsibility to step up and serve if necessary.
And isn't that what the founding fathers had in mind? That is exactly why he'd be an awesome president.

I believe that ScottsGT is spot on with his analysis.
I hope so. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.
The day Fred Thompson announces his candidacy is the day I volunteer for his campaign.

And I've never volunteered for any campaign.

Same here. My money, and my time.
It is my humble opinion that Reagan was the best president in at least the last 100 years. That said, he wasn't perfect. I believe that at least a few things he did were unconstitutional. But having Reagan beat the hell out of having Ford, Carter or Mondale. I don't believe that Stem Cell research is a legitimate government function, same with the War on Drugs, aid to foreign countries, Katrina style government relief, and loads of other things. At heart, I'm a Libertarian. But I voted for Bush over Gore and Kerry because there really were no other practical options. And given the chance, I'll probably vote for Thompson. Because he seems to be a better choice than Rudy, McCain, et all. I'd rather have Paul, but he hasn't a prayer.

I don't know who would be his running mate, but have little doubt that both Newt Gingrich and John Breaux (retired democratic senator from La.) both of whom are his personal friends would play a prominent role somewhere. That's his appeal he can get past the partisan bickering and actually accomplish great things. He has the ability to craft solutions to contentious issues that make so much sense yet accomplish his goals that opponents' agreement comes by default. Not only is he a populist, but one of the smartest men to ever serve in the senate.

Huckabee would be my ideal choice as a #2.
In the same way, I support gay people, but I don't support government restrictions on hiring practices. It's my belief that supporting the latter, even for "good" reasons, will do more harm in the long run to "allow us to live our lives as we [see] fit." You may believe differently, I just wanted to make sure you considered the ramifications (if any, since I may be totally wrong too).
I think the problem here is that "compromise" two and a quarter centuries ago defined folks of African origin as 3/5ths human. That sort of oppression is simply wrong, and that led to the moral argument that those with the power to do something about it should free enslaved people. Hell, I think slavery is one of those few things in this world that you can point at and say "that is evil" and be right.

Then we had an underclass that couldn't get educated or hired by a large percentage of the "good" schools/companies out there, and that was a social injustice. Now that those problems have been remedied, we find ourselves in a situation where more and more "minorities" are being identified so they can be offered "protections," and it's getting old.

But, if we're going to pretend that it's the Government's job to protect people in this way, then everyone who's being harmed ought to be protected. If we can decide as a society that we've done what we can for integration and desegregation through government intervention and now it's time to turn it all off, I'd be OK with that as well.

More clear now? :)

But we didn't get those two. Do you think we'd be better off today if Gore had won? I was a strong supporter of Bush, and I'll be the first to admit that he's been a disappointment, and has failed to live up to my expectations. But I think we'd be worse off today if Gore had won.
I think if Gore had won the Congress would have done its job and questioned what it was asked to sign. Republican congress wouldn't sign the Patriot Act provisions when Janet Reno's Justice Department was asking for them, but when Bush brought it out it was passed without being read.

Think a Republican congress would have said "a preemptive war (illegal since a long time back) based on secret evidence won't be approved -- our People deserve better than that?" I think there's a better chance they would have. Think they might have fought a bit more about the expansion of government?

What we had under Bush was a single party running things, and congress mostly took their marching orders from the President. To our detriment. They wouldn't have followed Gore the same way.

Re: Meiers and Gonzales, look back through posts here on this board along the lines of "we need to vote for Bush to get solid conservatives on the Supreme Court." That was the big way to rationalize a vote for Bush. And he wanted Meiers and Gonzales. <shivers>

We got better than that, maybe, because Congress saw the outrage and actually confronted the president for once.
And at this point I should apologize. I feel like arguing today, and I've sidetracked an otherwise good thread.

Zipping my lip for the remainder of this one. :)
Where's this anti-gay stuff on Thompson? He opposes gay marriage and thinks civil unions are a state issue. Thats it. Getting off topic here :rolleyes: Mr. Mod.

Derek - Posted before seeing your last . . . regards.
Wow, but then again this IS what I expect from Mr. Thompson. He has always spoke his mind, (which is usually filled with great ideas). I have been hoping that Mr. Thompson would run. He is the only one I can see winning that I can vote for. I have very few concerns about either his character or his platform, with him I am actually voting FOR someone rather than just against someone else.
I thought several years ago that it would be great to see Fred run for pres.,he has class ,is well spoken and you get the since he is sincere and everytime I saw him talk or make a speach as Congressman he had a certain air about him not like the wind bags of the norm-he is a breath of fresh air..

A Fred and Condi ticket I believe would blow the dems out of the water.

He has my vote for sure,we need to rally behind this man...


But, if we're going to pretend that it's the Government's job to protect people in this way, then everyone who's being harmed ought to be protected. If we can decide as a society that we've done what we can for integration and desegregation through government intervention and now it's time to turn it all off, I'd be OK with that as well.
Sounds like we're on the same page. It's a tough question. Carry on with gun talk, everyone :)
That's about the best possible response from a politician. We seriously need to draft him.


This is the strongest pro-RKBA statement I have ever heard from a viable presidential candidate - well, perhaps since founding fathers days or maybe Teddy. Certainly no president or serious candidate in my lifetime.
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