Free defensive handgun class at front sight!

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Dec 22, 2011
A couple years ago two of my buddies and I bought the $300 deal that had 4 day pistol, 2 day rifle and 2 day shotgun. We car-pooled down from ND for the pistol course. Though we are all very experienced shooters with 60 years of CC between us, we learned a great deal and improved our skillset quite a bit. It was worth the money several times over, and we are going back.
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Thanks for the heads up! I'll let all my friends know about this.
That place, and it's owner, has been the subject of multiple lawsuits concerning business practices over the years, including multi million dollar class action suits. Their assets were seized at one point, and they were forced to dissolve Front Sight LLC, reopening as Front Sight II LLC.

No thanks. IMHO, that Piazza guy's as crooked as his mustache.
I like how they are promoting responsible firearms ownership and training, and general 2A awareness, in an aggressive manner, but the other side of the coin is the aggressive manner and the association with Scientology. I have no opinion on Piazza. But frankly if that is what it takes to promote 2A, maybe he has the right answer. But still, I don't like the Scientology thing.
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