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The French have not thought this out....

Their WILL be a heavy diplomatic & economic price to pay for the AMERICAN-bashing going on by the French. They have lived for decades with the delusion that they are somehow a significant voice in the affairs that extend outside their borders. It's not just their government, its a majority of the French people, if their polls are to be believed. I have no problem with any person or country voting THEIR best interests, most governments do and have done so in the past. But it is foolhardy for a "responsible" national political leader to let his personal feelings and ambitions govern his actions as "Sheroc" has been doing. Since WW2, France has been a 2nd rate world power BY CHOICE! A Big Mouth does not make a big man or conceal the decline of a country. Has the US been slapped in the face? Yep but we WILL learn from our mistakes. You can expect us to rely much less on NATO, The UN and other "Allies" in the future. Expect increased defense spending and an even more powerful military. I would have it no other way! The French, the UN, and NATO have done us a service, they have pointed out a weakness we (the US) have. We will correct this "weakness" in short order, its nothing that our enormous economy can't handle with ease. There is no other country (or the EU) on the face of the planet that has the will and means to match us. We learned from the Vietnam experience and we will learn from this. "That which doesn't kill me, makes me stronger", I don't think we will make the same mistake twice.

How come no flag waving icons are available?
I agree, in principle, with most of what's already been posted.

I try to remember that 'governments' do not always follow the will of the majority, and that polls expressing the 'majority will' are not always true indications of the 'majority' opinion. (How many times have we 'nuked' a poll?)

I think Oleg has a point. The jokes are funny, really. And it's frustrating to see long-term 'allies' take a stance in opposition. But we've pretty much flogged that dog, until some new behavior becomes manifest.
Ladies, gentlemen and everyone else,

The bashing of French, however helpful to your feeling of superiority, it not the High Road. We can keep on recycling the same old "cheese-eater" monikers or we can get on with the more pressing issues...and in the act of attending to our domestic problems first, we'll appear to be a little more serious and a smidgen less chauvinist to the forum lurkers.

Oleg Volk

Horse poop!
It isn't bashing if it is true and it is true!
Now go wet someone else's bed.
Sorry, Oleg, I had to!!!


Oleg, you know me, I would always take the high road, no matter what. But I just can't resist, dude!

The display of civility in your reply is splendid. If this is how you treat your allies, then your enemies must shake in their boots knowing you'd be even harsher on them.


you said:
"Horse poop!
It isn't bashing if it is true and it is true!
Now go wet someone else's bed."

It's called beating a dead horse and to lump the French people in general as fair game to derogatory statements because of the actions and stance of their government IS bashing. Speaking of bedwetting, you may just want to look up the history of the High Road and see who’s house you just took a whiz in.

My mom is French, seeing a post about boycotting the “Frogs†is not pleasant. If one would care to discuss the socio-economic/political reasons as to why the French haven’t done squat in the last thirty years to help us and in fact have hindered us, I’m all for it. But to call a people names due to their nationality… Weak, at best. High Road material? Doubtful. My Mom’s name is Pauline. Anyone here like to slam her for being French? A word to the wise, that’s a rhetorical question. Shall we go through the derogatory names of all the various peoples around the globe until we hit your nationality? Upgrade time people. Discuss the issues.
I agree with Telewinz. The UN, with the help of the French and the Germans, has demonstrated the organization is not always acting in our best interests. Maybe this will show some of our liberal politicians that we need to take care of our own business rather than relying upon our "allies".

I see this as a step backward for the global economy and the One World government.

I'd sure like to see the US pull the troops out of Europe and some of the other ingrate foreign countries and bring the troops home so they can help keep our borders secure.
Am I too late for the bashing?? ;)

I like many things French, but politics isn't one of them. Napa is starting to make somee nice sparkling wines. :D
Another couple of weeks and most of us will forget the French. This problem will sort itself out.
It does serve it's purpose...

It's called beating a dead horse

Hanging around with bureaucrats for the last 16 years, I've learned there's no such thing as beating a dead horse. It's just being tenderized for the eventual barbeque.
Ha! It’s eating a dead horse! The mere mention of barbeque, horses and the French is enough to send maitre d’s scurrying to set up additional tables! I don’t know if it’s still common practice over there but they used to be one of the largest consumers of horsemeat. Rather eat them than ride ‘em. (Hmm… don’t go there :rolleyes: )

Do we need the UN or is it the other way around? I believe we need to send them all packing over to Switzerland or another country of their choice.
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