French riots weren't riots after all.....

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Oct 7, 2005
Just some thoughts shared by the French Prime Minister on their 'not' riots:

Villepin says 'unrest' didn't count as 'riots'

PARIS, Nov 29 (AFP) - Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin made a stab at salvaging France's beleaguered image overseas on Tuesday, in a US television interview focused on the outbreak of urban violence in the country.

Villepin told the US television network CNN that the wave of unrest in French suburbs this month could not be described as "riots", and that it was not rooted in ethnic or religious divisions.

While admitting that there had been "severe social unrest", Villepin said the violence was on a far smaller scale than during the Los Angeles riots, in which 54 people died and some 2,000 were wounded.

"I'm not sure you can call them riots. It's very different from the situation you have
known in 1992 in LA for example," the prime minister said in the English-language interview. "In France during the two-week period of unrest, nobody died. So I think you can't compare this social unrest with any kind of riots."

However, in the aftermath of the unrest, officials reported a French high-school caretaker died of heart failure following an arson attack on his school in a western Paris suburb.

The violence resulted in more than 9,000 cars being burned and more than 100 public buildings set alight. But Villepin stressed that "there were no guns in the streets."

"No adults; mostly young people between 12 and 20... so it's a very special movement," said the prime minister, who repeated the government's pledge to improve education and job prospects for youths in France's poor suburbs.

Acknowledging that successive governments had done too little for these areas in recent decades, Villepin also said it was "important to understand the real nature of these movements."

"There is no ethnic or religious basis to this movement, as we see in other parts of the world," he insisted.

Young people of immigrant background "don't want to be recognised as Muslims, or as blacks, or as people coming from north Africa. They want to be recognised as French and they want to have equal opportunity during their lives.

"So it is our goal now to answer their demands," Villepin said, acknowledging that there was a "feeling of discrimination" among many young people of immigrant background, as well as a certain loss of identity.

"Very often you have people coming from the second generation of immigration, they don't know their country of origin. They don't have the same link with France as their parents who chose to come and work here.

"So as (President) Jacques Chirac said, there is some kind of lack of identity," Villepin told the channel.

However, Villepin said, new government measures would apply to all youngsters from poor neighbourhoods, not just those of immigrant background, in line with the French model of equality under the law, regardless of ethnic or religious background.

"In our republic, everybody is equal and we don't want to take into account the colour of the skin or the religion," he said.

Copyright AFP

Subject: French news

Here's the link:'unrest'+didn't+count+as+'riots'

It these weren't riots.....then I want to see an actual French riot. They must throw one hell of a party to if they are capable of this sort of damage and have it not be a riot.....
So if nobody dies, it's not a riot. That's good to know.

If there were no guns in the streets, where were the bullets coming from?:uhoh:
He's Prime Minister. He doesn't own a car, he has no need to. The French people pay to haul his ass around.
So if nobody dies, it's not a riot. That's good to know.

But someone did die. That old man that came out of his house to try to extinguish his garbage can which had been set on fire by muslim hoodlums. They beat him to death in his own yard.

Maybe Chirac and his cabinet need to have their heads 'unrested' off.
Young people of immigrant background "don't want to be recognised as Muslims, or as blacks, or as people coming from north Africa. They want to be recognised as French

Man, there's something to strive for....:rolleyes:

If that was my biggest goal in life I'd jump off a bridge instead of burning a stranger's car
Not a riot.

Mass citizen misunderstanding

Concerted careless use of flammable materials

Organized anger against environmental pollution of automobiles.

I can play this game too.
Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin must smoke crack and stuff his ears with male bovine excrement.

The 'unrested masses' seem to want to maintain their identiy as "Algerian", "Moroccan", or whatever; they have little interest in assimilating or being identified as "French", even if that were remotely possible. This opinion is based on feedback from a close friend & neighbor, originally from Morocco, who has friends & family in both places. He's real happy and proud to be a citizen of the USA.
Mike in VA said:
Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin must smoke crack and stuff his ears with male bovine excrement.

The 'unrested masses' seem to want to maintain their identiy as "Algerian", "Moroccan", or whatever; they have little interest in assimilating or being identified as "French", even if that were remotely possible. This opinion is based on feedback from a close friend & neighbor, originally from Morocco, who has friends & family in both places. He's real happy and proud to be a citizen of the USA.

What they want, AFAIK, is their piece of the pie -- economic opportunity. France took resources from their native countries; they went to France to reap back some of the benefits of the French economy.

What they don't realize is that Old Europe doesn't really offer opportunity. It offers comfort for those already in the club, but even their well-educated kids aren't getting jobs in Europe.

My cousins, for example, come from a wealthy Viennese family with some of the best connections in all of Europe, both political and commercial. They are going to places like Russia for opportunities.
They're already on the dole. Are they getting educations?--or are they dropping out?

How many of these opportunity-loving emigrants are rioting for less socialism and more capitalism?
longeyes said:
They're already on the dole. Are they getting educations?--or are they dropping out?

How many of these opportunity-loving emigrants are rioting for less socialism and more capitalism?

I'm not defending them. I'm illustrating the problem with the European system (which several prominent Democrats, not to mention the Moore-ons seem to think is far better than ours).

In the US, we have millions of people pouring across the border. We can't claim to be able to control our own borders. Why? Because they can come here and earn money. One of our biggest problems is to figure out what we can do.

In Europe, there aren't many jobs for even the people who are already there.

Why? High taxes and low incentives lead to low levels of entrepeneurship and hence no growth in the job market.
Do the math: For France that's $125 billion.

And I'm sure you'll agree that France would never incur $125B, for any number of reasons. I suggest a few below:

$125B is a point in time calculation.
$125B presumes every eligible individual accepts remuneration in exchange for their departure.
$125B would be spent only if everyone had a place to go after leaving France.
$125B wouldn't be the limit if France lets in any new members of the problematic population.
$125B needs the support of the real French citizenry. Even socialists have their breaking point, I'm told.

The math was done. The math is always done by the Tall Man. It keeps me going. :)

It was a misunderstanding that became heated, with a small group of youths ventilating their pent-up frustrations through a display of disruptive animation.

Now that it's over....give them MONEY, JOBS, FOOD, SELF-ESTEEM and RESPECT! VIVE LA FRANCE!
Oldtimer - Do you work for a nationally syndicated liberal spin zone newspaper? I ask because if you don't, you probably should. What you said is pretty funny.

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