Gabrielle Giffords husband...

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Apachedriver, I agree with you 100%, but as someone else stated, this happens to victims and their families. To be honest, I am surprised there was not more immediate fallout from the Colorado incident. We cannot get mad and blame them, they won't listen. We have to show them and the voters with, cold hard facts, that guns are not the issue, that crazy is. We may never be able to change their minds, but that is fine, it's free will. I have no problem with someone thinking differently about stuff, it is honestly their right, that is what makes this country what it is. I just hate to her become the next poster person for the Brady Campaign.

It doesn't matter which side of the political tree you fall from the trauma from an incident like this can make a person despise firarms. Look at Brady himself, he and his wife neither one were against weapons.

I don't blame the victims and their families for the way they feel, but I will blame the people (on both sides) that exploit tragedies to help their own agenda.
You guys are reacting to a snippet of information. The Giffords could be looking for a serious discussion on better controls for mentally ill people accessing firearms since these mass shootings are carried out by people that had serious psychological problems instead of looking for a ban.

When a mass shooting takes place WE say that the perpetrator isn't like Us. They're "crazy", "madmen", "disturbed", "insane", etc, and that We, the normal people, shouldn't be penalized for the criminally insane person's behavior. That's true, but then when a solution is sought for the problem the Antis can use the "camel's nose under the tent/slippery slop/give'm and inch they'll take a mile" rhetoric we see on gun boards as a way to attack us as unreasonable. Be careful of the consequences of trotting out sound bites instead of offering reasoned arguments on how we can and can not address a 2A issue.

As to whether Mr. Kelly is greedily and callously looking for a career as an Anti 2A crusader (not the most popular or lucrative of careers) or not consider what your reaction to having part of your wife's brain blown out in such a situation and ask yourself honestly if your views might change a bit on a lot of things as you deal with the very personal tragedy and the complete wrecking of your life. It is pretty low road to attribute greed or ambition to someone in that position when other less horrific options exist for their lives and careers.
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