Garand clips

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Nov 16, 2003
Ok so there isn't a spring in the en bloc Garand clip so...
What pushes the next round up when a round is fired? I didn't see a spring in the exploded diagrams that did that. What's the deal?
I am sitting here trying to visualize the innards of my Garands. I want to say that the recoil (?) spring starts the whole process. Not directly but indirectly by being connected by a kind of lever arrangement to the mechanism which the clips slides down over.

The en bloc clip locks into place in the receiver and there is a piece (the follower assembly I believe) which cradles the bottom round and exerts upwards pressure on the rounds.

Try this site for more information: could I store it loaded and not worry about the spring ever wearing out?
You are absolutely correct. The action spring applies pressure through leverage to the follower as well as the forward pressure to work the bolt and slide. You can store the Garand till the cows come home with a loaded clip.
There is an L-shaped lever, with the pivot at the corner of the "L." The recoil spring hooks to one end of that lever, the other end slides in a slot in the magazine follower, forcing it up. So the recoil spring does double-duty in the Garand.
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