Gen 3 Night vision rifle mounted optic Users

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Nov 26, 2011
Hey guys I know this isn't exactly a firearm post but I know some of you out there use night vision optics on your rifles or have them in your bugout bags.

I recently purchased a new Gen 3 USNV-14 (pvs-14) non-gated. It has a Lipton L3 intensifier tube. I wanted an auto-gated gen 3 PVS-14 but this was way to cheap to pass up IMO. (Data sheet- Signal noise 24, lpm 57, FOM 1351). If someone could explain in plane english what that data sheet means and how good those numbers are I'd appreciate it.

I wanted to know how much light is "too" much for a Gen 3 intensifier tube? I've read that a full moon is actually too much light for a non-gated tube and it will lower the life expectancy of the tube. But if so, then by how much? These tubes are rated for about 10,000 hours I believe under normal use. If I look at a light bulb lets say, 50 feet away for 10 seconds, is that bad for the tube? Is there a good rule of thumb when determining "too" much light?

Lets say if it is a full moon, would a tinted lens cap cover help? I know that sounds hillbilly but still.

This unit will not be used at night anywhere where there are several street lights. It would be used when its difficult to see or completely dark.

Also any advice or other educated opinions for a new night vision user would be much appreciated.
Signal to noise is how well your night vision performs in low light conditions.
LP measures resolution and with a higher number you have a greater resolution. LP of 64 to 72 lp is typical for Generation 3 night vision.
The FOM (Figure of Merit) is the signal to noise x LP.

It is a popular misconception that the purpose of autogating is to protect the tube from high light conditions. What it actually does is maintain your resolution in high light conditions. Basically your resolution is compromised with a nongated tube. A residual effect of this is some additional "bright light protection". Your intensifier tube has a ABC - Automatic Brightness Control circuit which protects it from overexposure to light. Now that does not mean use it during the day time.

If you have additional questions about night vision and specifications please PM or give us a call (719) 325 8070 and i can walk you through the datasheet.
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