Getting an 11 yr. old their 1st deer!

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Sep 10, 2008
SW Arizona
This morning my oldest son and I elected ourselves to help one of his fellow soldier's with his and his 11 yr. old son with their deer hunt.

We got out to the unit just before sun up, set up out pods and optics and right off the bat glassed up several groups of deer. Then I spotted a monster, so we got the hunters geared up with ear bubs and started guiding them in. But as luck would have it, another hunter came out of no where and sent the big buck over the top of the mountain, bummer.

So we continued glassing and my son spotted two little guys about 500 yds. away, so we thought this will work for a youngsters first deer. We got him within 350 yds. exactly 350 yds., and then set up the Caldwell field rest, and to my surprise this little first time hunter nailed that buck, dropped him right there!

My boy and Iike hunting as much as the next person, but being able to make things come together for a youngster is no less, if not more satisfying than shooting it myself..

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I did one similar this morning with my nephew. I sent him hunting with my dad while I investigated our new "neighbors" who leased the farm beside my grandfathers. My nephew got a pair of does and ended up giving one deer away to a hungry family (distant cousin). So congratulations to you and thank you for bringing another kid into the world of hunting. Great memories were made across the US today as lots of states had their season opener and lots of kids got their first.
That's really great WestK. I love seeing or hearing of a first time youngster getting their game, this is what helps our sport to grow. The joy and appreciation for their accomplishment is so visible on their faces, that's what provides the bulk of my satisfaction in the field.

I see a number of other similar stories today, how wonderful!

Good Job Dad! I have managed to get my kids out a few times, but have yet to land them a kill. They just don't get as fired up as dad does. I wish I could get them on a deer. I know it would change their life forever. I imagine he will tell this story for the rest of his life.
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