Gf goes tactical on me.

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
Yesterday, my manager wanted to have a "talk" with me :rolleyes: I won't get into the details, but needless to say, I was in a bad mood after that.

Being in Taiwan with no real guns, I setup little targets all around the house, and started shooting while my gf was online reading.. She was annoyed by me, and so I said fine, let's trade! So I end up reading THR and she's got the airsoft...

Well, 30 minutes later, she's like "I ran out of bullets! These things are addictive!!" and she started bugging me about showing stances, (square vs. weaver) entries, how to deal with multiple targets, etc.. :D

She said that Skunk says that tactical women are attractive, so she might as well learn to be tactical. Also, she thought Lara Croft (Angelena) looked sexy with a gun and so she'd like to learn to look more sexy and tactical; but actually be tactical, and not just pose..

So now she's rounding people up so we can have a paintball day..

Man, I'm just a lucky lucky :neener:

Thought I'd rub it in..
I feel ya. My lady friend informed me that she wants to go shooting with me. Sexy. This is shortly after she informed me that she has leather pants. Double sexy. Now the only thing left to do is get her shooting IN the leather pants. To answer your questions that I'm sure will come: Yes, I will take a camera. No, I will not post the pics here. But seriously, there are very few things hotter than a fine woman with a gun, am I right?

- LT

sorry! :-( If she did have a sister, Skunk would have first dibs!

Female with a gun in leather pants... Wow.. Time for me to go shopping for leather pants for her...

Trinity in Matrix right :p
cbk, what are you doing selling guns??

buy buy buy...

I'm just waiting for my gf to ask me how to do a roll into a one knee stance...:D
I was having a hard time with the dot and wanted another gun, I didn't diminish my collection, just got something I could use more. I still hear about it though and it was more than a year ago!!! I might have to get another one just so I can have some relief.

You guys sure do rub it in.

My wife tried to chew me out for getting a kydex holster for my new G27. I wouldn't have none of it.

Funny, she was bugging me about taking her shooting...:what:
Yesterday, at the gun range, the gal in line in front of me bought a year of family membership for her and her boyfriend.

Sniff! Reminds me of the day I was taking my wife shooting last year. She saw the membership sign on the wall and said,"I know you like coming here, you should get that."

Isn't Valentine's Day grand?:D
Sharkskin pants? Kevlar pants? Anyone that reads Skunkabilly Tactical Quarterly knows the ONLY tactical pants worth owning are Mall-Ninja black with Spectra Shield plates on the thigh, butt and shin areas. The truly tactical also have the Spectra Shield cod piece add-on. :neener:

Last night I was loading up a bunch of 45 and my wife comes out, grabs one of the bullets from the box and says, "huh, these aren't your usual bullets, dinner's ready as soon as you're done."

Late Saturday afternoon we're dropping the kids off at her sister's so we can go out on a "date". She wants to go shooting (she's a heckuva pistolera), to dinner and then a movie (she's letting me the choose between The Recruit or Daredevil)...wonder if I can convince her to wear those red leather pants...

GunGirls & TacticalChicks rule! :D
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Now who changed the format? Darn if I didn't edit a message to correct a typo and now it shows up and everybody knows. Harumph.

BTW twoblink, she must remember tactical is in mind before body.
4v50, I don't know... Some might say, tactical is a state of what's in your hand!

Mall Ninja wear? Don't forget the trama plate in the back, just in case someone is trying to snipe you with a 308!!

I'm trying hard to find a paintball range around here; so you can see her in tactical gear...

Have fun storming the castle!

Gun Girls and Tactical Chicks Rule!
Frohickey: Bert had a wife in #1, she left him because the Cold War ended and wrote for him to send her HK91 (I believe) to her mother's house which told him the relationship was over.

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