Ghettopoly is no game to outraged protesters

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Dec 25, 2002
the city
Instead of playing pieces shaped like a top hat, a thimble and a shoe, there are a pimp, a prostitute, a crack cocaine rock, and an Uzi.

I want to be the UZI, 'kay?

Ghettopoly is no game to outraged protesters
By Kathy Boccella
Inquirer Staff Writer

PETER TOBIA / Inquirer

Instead of Boardwalk and Park Place, there are Smitty's XXX Peep Show and Tyron's Gun Shop. Instead of playing pieces shaped like a top hat, a thimble and a shoe, there are a pimp, a prostitute, a crack cocaine rock, and an Uzi.

It is played like Monopoly, but the object of this twisted take on the family board game is "to become the richest playa through stealing, cheating and fencing stolen properties."

The game is Ghettopoly, which claims to satirize ghetto culture and gangsta-rap stereotypes. And in the last two weeks, since sales have expanded from the Web to the hip, Philadelphia-based retailer Urban Outfitters, it has been flying off shelves - and drawing protests.

In Philadelphia yesterday, scores of pickets gathered in front of Urban Outfitters' headquarters at 18th and Walnut Streets and its store at 1627 Walnut St. holding banners, one of which said, "Stop selling racist products."

"It's racist and insensitive," said Mark Harrell, a protest organizer. "We're asking that they remove the game." If they refuse, he said, he will call for a boycott of Urban Outfitters and its sister chain, Anthropologie.

Store executives would not meet with protesters or talk to reporters, a silence they have maintained during a week of controversy from Seattle to St. Petersburg. Critics say the company is profiting from a product that makes fun of poverty, disease, drug addiction, and other social problems in minority communities.

Calls to company president Richard Hayne, who started the young-adult chain in a West Philadelphia rowhouse in 1970, with the hippie-style Free Peoples' Store, were not returned. A receptionist said the company had no comment.

The game's 28-year-old creator, David T. Chang, said Ghettopoly is edgy, not racist.

Ghettopoly makes fun of many ethnic groups, he said, including Asians, the Irish, Hispanics, Italians and Jews. There's even a Chinese restaurant owner who sells dog - a jab at Chang's heritage as the son of a Taiwanese restaurateur.

But it's based largely on African American culture, he said, because "for me to put an Asian guy in a game called Ghettopoly would be a little off."

The $30 game has been sold online since April. Urban Outfitters, which has more than 50 stores in the United States, Canada and Britain, began selling it about two weeks ago, Chang said. The game also prompted a demonstration by a handful of people in Chicago.

"It's blowing way out of proportion. People are using it as a scapegoat," Chang said. "I thought people might get it for what it is, a satirical stereotyping of ghetto culture. Why take it seriously?"

Because, said J. Whyatt Mondesire, president of the Philadelphia NAACP, "images do count. It's disgusting. He's bastardized a family-oriented board game and used the worst stereotypes that have come to become associated with African Americans."

Mondesire also pointed a finger at hip-hop artists such as Ja Rule and 50 Cent, who glamorize the gangsta lifestyle. "There's a growing acceptance of ghetto-fabulous culture in the black community which is very dangerous," he said.

White youths also "think it's the cool thing to do," Mondesire said. "It's the dominant culture among kids."

The Rev. Robert P. Shine Sr., president of the Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity, criticized the game as "a corporate endorsement of the denigration of African Americans."

He said the game is belittling in the same way Little Black Sambo and blackface minstrels were, and urged Chang to stop making it.

Chang, who has plans for other games, including Redneckopoly, said protesters were hypocritical because rap stars invoked Asian stereotypes without protests. "They're saying because I'm Asian American I can't make a game like this," he said.

Chang, who lives in western Pennsylvania, has no firsthand knowledge of the ghetto. He and his family moved to the United States from Taiwan when he was 8. He went to a private high school and graduated from the University of Rochester in New York state with degrees in economics and psychology.

He got the idea for the game in the fall of 2001 while watching rappers on MTV, he said.

"I thought, why not make a board game that has an urban edge to it?" He did research by watching MTV, studying rap lyrics, and playing video games.

In Ghettopoly, there's a loan shark who gives out $200 for passing Steal$$$ "because the playa just robbed him." Along the way, players build slum properties and win bonus points for getting their whole neighborhood hooked on crack.

A former broker for a financial-services company, Chang said he had used about $50,000 of his own money to make and market the game. His break came when men's magazine Maxim featured Ghettopoly in May.

Chang said that he had gotten a cease-and-desist letter from Hasbro Inc., which owns the rights to Monopoly, but that he was not taking it seriously since there are "dozens of other Monopoly-like board games."

In a statement, Hasbro said: "We find this game to be reprehensible and a violation of our intellectual property rights. We have no record of ever being contacted by Mr. Chang and never gave him any approval to produce this game."

The controversy has boosted sales from five or six a day to 50 to 100, Chang said. His Web site says the games are back-ordered; some Urban Outfitters stores are sold out.

"There's been a huge demand," a saleswoman at the King of Prussia store said.

Just who's buying Ghettopoly? Chang said many of his customers are women, buying for husbands or boyfriends: "They think it's fresh and cool."

And Brian Boden, a salesman at an Urban Outfitters in Manhattan, said its stock had been wiped out almost overnight - by sales to employees.

What the U.S. needs as a whole is to recognize the distinction between racisim and culturisim.

One is evil, stupid, and scientifically baseless, the other is not.

Afghanistan under the Taliban had a "culture" of beatings/killings/women-as-property etc. etc. etc., we all felt pretty justified in condemning that, didn't we? So therefore I can postulate that some cultures are indeed inferior to others.

Even Mr. J. Whyatt Mondesire of the Philadelphia NAACP seems to agree with me to a point, as long as he gets to do the criticizing. Witness his quote:

Because, said J. Whyatt Mondesire, president of the Philadelphia NAACP, "images do count. It's disgusting. He's bastardized a family-oriented board game and used the worst stereotypes that have come to become associated with African Americans."

But in the same interview he says:

Mondesire also pointed a finger at hip-hop artists such as Ja Rule and 50 Cent, who glamorize the gangsta lifestyle. "There's a growing acceptance of ghetto-fabulous culture in the black community which is very dangerous," he said.

It's not about if it's okay to criticize a culture or not, it's about who Political Correctnes dictates gets to do the criticizing. Big difference.
Rap stars, pro athletes, Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton make blacks look worse than any game ever could.
so when is the redneckopoly game coming out?

i,know what my brothers are getting for X'mas:D

What the U.S. needs as a whole is to recognize the distinction between racisim and culturisim.
Abso-freaking-lutely. Just because I despise the modern black-youth culture's direction, values and attitudes, does not mean I despise black youths.

And anyone who can't see that distinction needs to take a good long look at themselves. Chances are good there'll be a racist in that mirror.

- Gabe
These people seriously need to get a life. NAACP has fought and won all the real battles, now they are in real danger of becoming irrelevant (especially in light of the fact that Hispanics now outnumber African-Americans). So they pitch hissy fits about silly crap like the Confederate flag, and board games that make fun of people. ALL stereotypes have a kernel of truth. You won't see me protesting "Redneckopoly."

Wonder if Jeff Foxworthy got to be a consultant on that?
Chang, who has plans for other games, including Redneckopoly, said protesters were hypocritical because rap stars invoked Asian stereotypes without protests.
That's because Asian-Americans are not a protected class. Their "victim" status ranks pretty low.
So, when I laugh my keister off when I watch Eddie Murphy's "Mr White" I'm actually contributing to racism against whitie?


If the people protesting this had any sense, they would've ignored it. As soon as the story ran on one of the local TV stations, all the games that Urban Outfitters had in stock sold out, within a matter of a couple hours.
The game maker says they are not picking on anybody: there will next be Redneckopoly and later Hiphopoly. Seriously, that's what they said. They may have a hard time ripping into the inventor of the game because he is Korean, and we all know in this country a member of a minority can not possibly be racist.
but "Life as a Blackman" is OK?

Tired of Playing those same old boring Board Games?_ Well, the folks at Underground Games, Inc., a black owned game company, have come up with the most fun and interesting board game concept too ever hit the Market._ Life As A BlackMan the Game? is the first and only board game to depict life from the perspective of a minority._ "This is the party game for the next millennium," says Chuck Sawyer, C.E.O. Underground Games, Inc._

You're an 18-year-old black male high school graduate entering society.__ Where will you begin the game?_ Glamourwood, Black University, Military or Ghetto?_ What type of person, or shall I say Character Type will you be? Creative, Intellectual, Athletic?_ Do you know good from evil?_ Will it be Church or Crime?_ Crime equals Police and Prison._ Do you have enough money for the Dream Team Attorney?_ If not the Public Defender is free of charge._ What kind of car will you drive?_ SUV, Used Car, Bucket, or No Car at all?_ But remember you need a car to get around in Downtown._ There's plenty of Action in the Cards, 360 in all, and it takes for 15-45 minutes to complete an entire game._ There's only one goal in Life As A BlackMan the Game? and that's FREEDOM._ No more going around in endless circles.

NPR liked this one:

heres the NPR take on Ghettopoly:
The $30 game has been sold online since April.

This game has been on sale for 6 months. Why are the leftists just now treating it like it was the most evil thing since New Coke?

I'll compare to the Minnesota CCW law. It had apparently been in the works for some time, yet when it passed the leftists reacted as if the legislature had just imposed Prima Nocte.

I heard someone decribe this as "Cause Of The Month" syndrome, where the leftists build up a mighty rage at whatever happens to cross their radar screen at any given time, then suddenly drop it and move on the the next "holy cause".

Sheesh, leftists, its a friggin board game! Can we all actually concentrate on some of the real problems in this country? Believe it or not, we actually agree on some of the problems, if not the solutions! :banghead:
Well, It's a moot point now, since the manufacturer caved and pulled the game. But as the Goddess of Moot Points, Futile Arguements, and Lost Causes, I just have to say: Get a freakin' Grip, EVERYBODY!
Every reference to the Ghetto or the projects isn't a slur against black people. Every Civil War monument or display of the Stars and Bars is not indicative of a desire to return to the days of slavery, it is a recognition of our heritage and an homage to the men who gave their all in the War of Northern Aggression.
The black middle class and upper classes are growing. And perhaps I'm being Pollyanna here, but as they do I hope they can make a difference in the perception of black as an "underpriviledged" minority.
Black Rappers and "Gangtas" would do well to use their huge influence with young people, black, white, whatever, to stay in school, obey the law and succeed within legal parameters.
Hispanic musicians and actors have been doing this for years, most notably Gloria Estefan and Andy Garcia.
Anyhoo, {as Law Dog would say}, I'm just tired of Black leaders having no sense of humor and of them seeing racist behind every tree and under every bed.
And that's MY $.02 worth.
Buying stolen properties, pimpin hoes, building crack houses and projects, paying protection fees and getting car jacked are some of the elements of the game. Not dope enough?...If you don't have the money that you own to the loan shark you might just land yourself in da Emergency Room.

Availability: Sold Out!!! Currently on back order. You may order it now and we will ship it to you on or around Nov 25

you can also order a Tshirt:
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