Girlfriend that is completely new to shooting

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I just took my girlfriend out shooting for the first time yesterday. I had offered to take her sometime ago and she asked if we could do it on Sunday after church. Fortunately there was an indoor range nearby where she lives and they had expanded the hours they were open on the weekend.

Even though she would be shooting a S&W .22 revolver (a Model 34 Kit Gun with a 4" barrel), I did advise her that she should wear a top without a low cut front and to wear tennis shoes as well. I went over the four safety rules and explained briefly how the revolver works. I also showed her how to get a proper grip, stance, and sight picture. I loaded up the first six rounds for her and then let her shoot.

She kept the first six on paper and once she got accustomed to the DA trigger pull, was able to put togther some very decent groups (even managing to get a couple of rounds in the bullseye!). Overall she was very happy with whole experience and kept her targets to show her kids how well she had done.
Thanks a lot for the advice, guys. Some of it I agree with, and some I don't...but this is helping me formulate a plan. Thanks again.
I recommend that you start out new shooters at about 10 feet from the target. This makes it easy to see your hits with a 22. I use the putting in golf analogy to explain start short and working out to distances
I started my girlfriend shooting at around 20 to 25 feet as she felt vey comfortable with that distance. Easy enough to see the hits, and also used some Shoot-N-C targets as well.
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