Girlfriend/wife with warped views on self-defense?

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Sep 1, 2007
New guy here, first new thread! I type a lot, so pardon the length of this. There is a summary and a few questions at the bottom of this thread if you have ADD.

First off, a little background:

My girlfriend (who has been living with me for about a year and a half) is hardly an "anti". She literally grew up on a farm in the midwest, has been around guns pretty much all the time. She doesn't have any "problem" with them. I consider her to be extremely logical/rational for a woman, not to mention very intelligent.

I live in a very gun-unfriendly state in New England (take a wild guess) but I have always loved guns and pretty much anything military related. However, living at home at a younger age, I was never allowed to buy or use firearms due to a very worrisome mother. No big deal. Now that I live on my own, I took the required course and got my license to carry (took only 7 months of waiting). My first firearm is going to be a shotgun, mainly for HD purposes. Just the other day I put in an order for it.

The topic of self-defense (mainly focused around SD in the home) came up recently due to a comment I made regarding feeling better (and being able to sleep better) once I finally get the shotgun. Of course, I don't really need to explain to YOU guys why I feel the need for a firearm for self-defense, but the discussion that I ended up in left me baffled!

I don't remember the exact words spoken so I will paraphrase with the occasional quote.

The discussion started with her questioning my need to have a firearm when our house is so locked down (implying that no one could break in). I could tell this would be an odd discussion because as we all know, it is quite easy for someone to break into any "normal" house. Now granted, I consider myself to be a very safety conscious person - I use jackstands when I'm working on my car, I wear safety glasses when working with power tools, I keep fire extinguishers in the know - pretty common sense stuff for your average person who likes to keep on living.

My house has standard deadbolts, and each entrance also has a manual latch for night-time use as well as each window having a keyed lock. The idea of this is that someone wouldn't be able to force a window or pick a lock to get in quietly. They'd have to kick down a door or smash out a window. This would wake me up and give me the few seconds needed to get a firearm. Simple and likely very effective, right? Believe me, I don't go overboard by almost anyone's standards. I don't even have an alarm, or sensor lights outside (okay, but I will probably get both someday!).

Annnyyway, back to the story. I explained all of this to her - how easy it would be for someone to break in, and that the firearm was a very effective method of protection. That moved the discussion in a new direction - why you would need a firearm to protect yourself from an intruder (duh??). Apparently she was under the impression that she could call 911 and have the cops here before someone could successfully break in. I explained that this was fairly ridiculous as all it would take is a single swing to break a window and climb though, or a large man kicking down the door. An intruder could break in and be in our bedroom in 30 seconds easily (we have a small house). I explained that it would be extremely lucky to even have a cop dispatched by that time, nevermind have them actually arrive.

The discussion moved on: she then stated that she thought that my possession of a firearm would make an intruder "nervous" and perhaps make him more likely to shoot me than if I wasn't armed. Yes, she really said that. I explained that an armed intruder wouldn't have a chance to be "nervous". If I actually had an armed intruder approaching us/our bedroom in the house, the most he would get is a quick warning before I shoot him.

I went on to explain that the whole argument was borderline insane because if I were not armed, we would be at the mercy of the intruder or intruders. Let's face it, I'm a big guy but I have no training. A criminal(s) willing to break into a house probably has a lot more fight experience than I, not to mention will likely be armed with some sort of weapon, nevermind a firearm, and nevermind that there may be more than 1 of them. My chances of fending them off is pretty slim and I would likely end up being taken out of comission/killed. Then what is she to do, I inquired? Her response? That she could "take care of herself". I'm pretty sure I burst out laughing at this part. An untrained, unarmed, average-sized woman defending herself from (likely) male criminal(s) who have already defeated me (6'4" 275lbs). Yeah. I informed her that she was drastically overestimating her ability to defend herself unarmed. Her response was basically that in the very rare chance that someone broke in in the night and decided to kill us, then oh well, it was "her time". More or less equating it to the chances of being struck by lightning - in the rarity of the event and the ability of someone to defend against it.

At this point, as you can imagine, I was pretty flabbergasted. At one point, there was a glimmer of hope when she suggested employing a blunt weapon in self-defense. When I inquired about what we should do if they have a gun, the discussion veered back into crazy-land. Apparently, being at the mercy of an intruder and being raped/injured/killed is an acceptable outcome. Wow.

So in summary (Cliff's Notes if you will), I live with a very smart, rational, beautiful woman who believes:

1) A house with normal everyday safety measures is impenetrable.
2) The cops will always show up before the bad guys can get in.
3) Having a firearm in a SD situation will result in you getting shot (not them apparently).
4) An average sized unarmed woman can defend herself from an intruder(s).
5) If an intruder(s) is sufficiently armed, or manages to overcome us, we should just hope he has mercy.
6) Intentionally not arming yourself and then being killed by an intruder(s) is an acceptable outcome due to some sort of fate.

Have any of you run into this? I am completely boggled by the whole thing. It has been bothering me all day at work. I feel that I made a lot of good points (despite my complete disbelief in what I was hearing) but I'm not sure if they were taken to heart. I feel that if I pull up some facts and/or articles about the topics we discussed, that I will be just rubbing it in and make her even more stubborn on the issue.

On a related side note, it has also gotten me thinking about women. Is this a natural viewpoint for your average woman? I started thinking about all of the prominent anti-gunners out there. I couldn't think of 1 man - they are all women. I'm sure there are plenty of anti-gun men out there but it seems like it leans very heavily towards women. Is it just that most women have a natural fear of weapons? Or a natural misunderstanding of how dangerous the world we live in can be?

I realize there are some women on this board so I encourage you to respond and not get offended by my story or questions.

I apologize for the very long post, I wanted to put as much relevant detail into it as I could. I love my girl but MAN am I scratching my head right now.

Is this a natural viewpoint for your average woman?

Harsh, cruel, and very un-PC answer? Yes to a large extent.

Reason? Fathers not doing their jobs.

Fathers who raise their daughters to believe that their role in life is to find someone to take care of them instead of teaching them to take care of themselves.

Fathers who want to "protect" their babies do them much more harm than good.

Fathers who treat their daughters like helpless "women" instead of treating them fairly and teaching them what the really need to know about the world.

These fathers believe they are doing the right thing, but they are oh so wrong.

Guns/self defense is just one area. You will find many more.

I await the blasting from women telling me I am wrong, but I've seen it enough to know. Heck go play the John Mayer song "daughters" a couple of times. It's clear there as well.

Strong women, self reliant women, women that "get it" nearly always have a father figure that was REALLY a father, not some nice old man that took care of everything for them.

Find one of these, they are keepers. Thank their fathers if you are lucky enough to find one of these women.
Have any of you run into this?

Yep, me and a couple others on THR. I have heard all of the arguments you have, verbatim.

very smart, rational, beautiful woman

I had one of those too. Then I found out that even thinking about a gun spun her off into irrationality. She HATED guns, wouldn't use one in defense, and basically thought that even owning a gun meant that you were more likely to be attacked because of the "negative energy" surrounding it.

Intentionally not arming yourself and then being killed by an intruder(s) is an acceptable outcome due to some sort of fate.

Not acceptable. What happens if you have kids?

My situation (and how I resolved it) is the #1 result on Google for "anti-gun girlfriend". Really.

Here is the thread at THR.

My suggestion - take her shooting. If she comes down on you, then say, "Well, I tried to talk to you, and you didn't seem to want to, so the matter is closed."

If she persists, the magic words are "I think we should start seeing other people."

Yes, you will find another one in short order. No, she's not worth it. Yes, you'll be fine if you decide to cut her loose.
I recall someone here posting a easy simulation for such individuals using a squirt gun, and a wet sponge in the role of a brick.

might want to look around for it and see if she can stop you from "sponging her head" as if it was a brick and you were an intruder. Then let her try with a squirt gun.
I feel for you. You could have been having that discussion with my mother and not a word would have changed. Some people are more scared of firearms than they are of death.. which to me is an odd mentality since they think the firearm will cause death... which they aren't as scared of as the firearm.. which... AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!

My wife on the other hand carries a CZ-75D PCR. :)
Just wanted to post a quick little note before this gets taken the wrong way.

This isn't a dealbreaker, I'm not going to break up with her. She's not trying to stop me from buying guns. She's not against guns or me having guns or me using guns in self-defense. She supports my hobbies (including this one). She just thinks I'm incredibly paranoid to want a gun for SD and probably thinks the whole hobby in general is silly. This was just a simple discussion (mainly about SD and less about guns in general) and will stay that way. There is no argument or "problem" here. I'm sure someday she will have her license too and we will end up visiting the range together.

I'm just so taken aback that I had to post about it not only to tell the story but to see what the other posters on this forum think/have dealt with.


PS - I can't even imagine what her views on CCW must be. Yikes.
There is no argument or "problem" here.

Ahhhh but there will be most likely..

This is a fundamental belief you have, and it is not a fundamental belief shared by your partner.

Something to keep in mind anyway.
I had a very similar situation with my wife. It took years of arguing, reasoning, etc. Eventually we wound up in a situation where our family was being threatened directly, so I told her "I'm getting one and that's it." We still fought, but actually *being* in danger changes people.

I not only have a few guns now, but am close to talking her into getting her carry permit. I would recommend patience. Keep on it. Put it down. Pick it back up. Repeat as necessary. I also make a point to bring up every good story I read about here on THR or on the local news to remind her that this is not a safe world. Having little ones to protect helps, as well...
There is no argument or "problem" here.

TexasRifleman is dead-on.

Marriage is not a joke. You'll have enough things to work through. And no, living with someone doesn't change that. The day you get married, you'll have new stuff.

If you can see ANY problem now, it's a branching statement in the program of your life.

If you're unfamiliar with programming, that's when a program performs a test and decides which way to go, based on the results.

I had a very similar situation with my wife. It took years of arguing, reasoning, etc.

Yup. And it doesn't always work out well, either.
Been there, done that. My wife grew up in a rural town of 5,000 (probably adjacent to the farm your girlfriend lived on). She also grew up around guns: her dad is an avid hunter (deer & pheasant) and also used to shoot in some target competitions.

When I brought up buying a gun for the sole purpose of home defense, she looked at me like I was from Mars. "You won't hunt with it? It'll be loaded? Why? We live in a small town with no crime. Just call 911."

Anyway, long story short, I put my foot down and said, "We're getting a pistol. You can help me pick one out so it's comfortable for you to handle, or, you can stick your head in the sand." (We were engaged when this all happened.) I went on to say that I'm the man of the house and it is my responsibility to protect her, me, and my home.

She's shot it once, and she knows how to load it and unload it. I send her snippets of news stories about home invasions, street crime, etc. The other day, I was getting dressed and had forgot to get my CCW out. She said, "Forgetting something?" while holding my holster and weapon.

She's coming around. Slowly.
She just thinks I'm incredibly paranoid to want a gun for SD

Don't worry about that, just be low key about it. She'll come around.
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Cornered Cat

One of our former moderators here, and certainly one of the brightest women it has been my pleasure to know, is pax.

She runs a site called The Cornered Cat that's very pertinent to this discussion.

She brings a woman's perspective to shooting and self defense.

There is much material there, and you won't get through it all in a single evening.

She has trained with some of the best in the business, and is herself a trainer.

If your lady is smart and rational, as you say, perhaps she would like to read the thoughts of another smart, rational lady.

Oh -- welcome to The High road.

She's just been exposed to the liberal propaganda regarding SD.
Your girlfriend also sounds like a nice person for whom the idea of hurting another person is too hard to face.

I remember a nice lady I used to work with who told me she wouldn't fight off an attacker because "that would only make him madder". Weird.

When you get your firearm, take her out to shoot it, that will help with her comfort level. You may even consider getting a .22 rifle. It will have minimal recoil and muzzel blast and she'll enjoy it more than the shotgun. You can get a used Marlin or Remington for around $100

Also, try to get her to read some of the info on

Education and patince is really the ticket. She'll come around. :)
This isn't really a man/woman issue either. Believing irrational arguments can easily happen with either sex. There are plenty of husbands and fathers that fall for those same false analogies.

Just a note, before somebody says something stupid about 50% of the population and I have to bludgeon them in the head with my +5 Moderatorial Killing Stick of Infinite Suffering. :)
Wow, great tip... I'll be using that from now on.

I recall someone here posting a easy simulation for such individuals using a squirt gun, and a wet sponge in the role of a brick.

might want to look around for it and see if she can stop you from "sponging her head" as if it was a brick and you were an intruder. Then let her try with a squirt gun

Nothing like a little visual demonstration and audience participation to drive home a point... Seriously, that is a really good idea! You could even go a step further:

Start the test with her in the bedroom in bed, smack the window (unlocked) with the sponge, open the window and climb through (simulating a window entrance) and see if the time it takes you to reach her from the window matches the average response time of the police...:D
Believing irrational arguments can easily happen with either sex. There are plenty of husbands and fathers that fall for those same false analogies.

Absolutely. And an unmarried person facing the life-changing decision of marriage gets the same advice, regardless of gender.

See if this stuff changes. People think things through, change their minds, whatever, every day of the year, all over the world.

However, if it doesn't change, remember, God or the universe or whatever put you in charge of YOURSELF, nobody else. If you don't make the decisions you need to, for yourself first, then you've made your bed and it's your own damned fault when you have to lie in it.
Please sit your her down away from the lala land she lives in.....ask her for 5 minutes....then google "Cheshire CT Home invasion" and do a quick read.

It happened this summer to a very nice upper class family in a very nice neighborhood not far from me.

The sheer horror of the whole event (random stalking, break-in, assault, rape, murder, arson) might bring her to appreciate the basic need for home defense.

I would worry everyday about a woman as clueless as that in my life. My wife does not carry a gun but she appreciates home defense and is aware. If thats all I can get, at least I can sleep while away...
hang in

Introduce her to Pax at Lots of good stuff there.

Maybe more to the point, mention that the mere PRESENCE of a gun sometimes PREVENTS violence. My then-wife and I were the victims of a home invasion, but we never even saw the guys; they heard me rack the slide on my .45 and they hauled a@@. Good outcome; all we lost was a door lock.

Don't fasten your seat belt next time you're in the car together. When she remarks on it, tell her that if you're hit by another car, it just must be "your time."
Just a note, before somebody says something stupid about 50% of the population and I have to bludgeon them in the head with my +5 Moderatorial Killing Stick of Infinite Suffering.

IIRC, females make up ~52% of the US Population. Not sure what the percentage is for the whole world.

Ohhh, and is that the diamond studded model with the customized hand checkered grips ???? :evil:
My wife understands why I need a shotgun, or two, understands why I need rifles in various calibers, and even understands why I need several "cowboy guns." What she had some difficulty with is why I needed more than one defensive handgun. After several years of resistance to the purchase of another revolver (kinda after the fact:scrutiny:) I came home from a deployment to find my S&W Model 25-2 (not my carry gun) on the nightstand. She told me she always put it there when I was gone, so "two guns" was good. Then, tired of the photographer's vest I almost always wore, she told me to buy a new gun at the gun show that I could put in my pocket. :what: Really! So, I got a little KelTec P32, and all was good. Then, a neighbor of my mom's was murdered in her home in the middle of the day in a home invasion. My brother and I alternated spending the night with her until she calmed down. At that point my wife stopped complaining about my wearing a gun in the house and stopped making sarcastic remarks about my carrying two (or more) guns when out of the house. She has appropriated my four-inch S&W 681 as hers and keeps it loaded with Remington 125-grain SJHP ammo.

Give it time.

dope said:

I consider her to be extremely logical/rational for a woman, not to mention very intelligent.

Where is pax when you need her?! I've got this marked...

Note to self...stop back to see where the fur settles

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