Give me a name

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May 19, 2006
Hey guys,
I have been shooting in SASS for a few months,Now i need an alias.I am horrible at naming things,Leta lone my self.Please throw out some suggestions,here is my look.
black hat
gray shirt
black vest
black pants
I'm a big guy,300#
all the most common aliases have been taken,So any help will be appreciated.
Also,i carry 2 taurus gauchos 45lc, Puma 45lc lever gun and Baikal sxs 12ga.
howa bout,Puma the kid??
Lighten up, Rods. All in good fun. An old black man I used to fish with as a kid once told me: "Booooouuuy...if ya caint laugh at yasef, ever one ese will".

What city/state do you live in (presently or birthplace)? Perhaps one of those could be used as a prefix. Or the countries of origin of your firearms (Brazil and Russia) could be worked in, also as a prefix. The gauchos (cowboys) of South America were colorful and romantic figures.

black hat
gray shirt
black vest
black pants

I'll bet monochromatic hasn't been taken yet. :D
TLH's post gives the visual having something to do with a Russian gaucho, but it don't make real good sense because how many Russians wound up in Argentina.
Well all you iron is foreign.....can you spin that into you handle?

Spanish Jack???

Bob "The Mad Russian" insert last name here


Brand Nameless Bob "The Mad Russian"
Lighten up RODS, Biker meant no harm. After you've been here awhile you'll come to learn that. I like TLH's aproach. "Arkansas Jake", or "Kansas City Jack", or anything else along those lines sounds real sharp and catchy.
I remember the first CAS match I shot at my local club... I couldn't think up an alias at all. I thought about calling myself "the man with no alias" as a nod to Clint Eastwood's "the man with no name" characters. After that though, I just went with "mustanger", but it didn't seem in context because that's a profession/occupation rather than a name. Now, if I'd called myself something like "Mustang Charlie" (which is nowhere near my real name) it'd make a lot more sense to me. While I shoot Ruger's Vaqueros and subscribe to some Vaquero (not Charro) horsemanship theories, I didn't want to adopt that in an alias because it's Spanish/Californio/Mexican and I'm a ScotsIrish-descended white guy who gets mistaken for a Texan on a regular basis.

Now, connecting some dots here, with reference to TLH's idea of using the guns' countries of origin... how about "The Cossak Patagonian" or simply, leaving the Russian reference out in favor of "The Patagonian". I know... sounds a bit too much like The Virginian who has no other known name.

The gauchos (cowboys) of South America were colorful and romantic figures.

BTW, TLH, they're still down there working stock like they have been ever since.
If you're a big happy guy then perhaps( because of your firarms) "The Gay Ranchero" Sounds better than "The Happy Gaucho". :)
dressed in mostly black? how about "undertaker"?
I wore all black from time to time in high school and my shop teacher started calling me "Jonny Cash"

I'm reminded of John Carradine playing the undertaker and wearing all black... remember "The Shootist" that John Wayne did back in 1977? John Carradine played the undertaker in that one too. But last I knew, The Undertaker was a crazy wrassler dude that beat up Vince McMahon... yeah, whatever.

I recall Johnny Cash did westerns too... remake of Stagecoach... one episode of Dr. Quinn; that was probably the best episode they ever did (that I saw, since posting this I looked it up and imdb says he played Kid Cole in four episodes)... Last Days of Frank and Jesse James; they filmed parts of that at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum in Chattanooga and I saw the door Johnn Cash knocked a big hole in- story is he swung at the door with the butt of his rifle and his guitar came through... I'm trying to remember what all else.:D
Grey Bart
'Gentleman' Boston Bart
Big Bart
Little Bart

I really suck at this , except when I name my poms
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