Give us your huddled masses...

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May 1, 2005
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

Does this just not apply to Mexicans? Give us your tired, your rich, your english speaking? Is it even America's right to tell immigrants off, to force them to ride for days through the desert in vans next to rock cocaine for the singular reason that they want to be free? Unless you are all native americans, you shouldn't lose the forest in the trees- All Americans are immigrants, and to deny someone the right to come to America based on nationality, creed, or education is wrong (At least, in my opinion).
I don't understand what your criticism is. We've got something like 20 million illegal Mexican immigrants here. We give them free education and healthcare, foodstamps and money, and we make no attempt to deport them. How is that 'intolerant'? :confused:
So...what are you saying?

Should the USA just have 10,000 miles of welcome mats and no borders? As far as I can tell, it's not immigants that's the's ILLEGAL immigrants bypassing the immigration laws of this country. There is a great difference in the two.
The salient fact you fail to acknowledge is

that the Statue of Liberty is next to Ellis Island - where LEGAL immigrants disembarked, were tested for disease, quarantined and duly granted lawful admittance.

The "huddled masses" you now refer to are illegal aliens, sneaking over our border and, often, criminals even before violating our immigration laws.

Grasp the distinction. :scrutiny:
EDIT: heh heh ... instaposted by Tory :p

Niko, that poem you quoted is from the Statue of Liberty where millions of people legally immigrated to this country.

Why is it that those who oppose things like the Minuteman project and tightening our security at the borders can't tell the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL?

No, obviously the issue is that evil nasty white people just want tighter controls on the border because they are afraid they might have to look at a brown person :rolleyes:

Your position comes from the same logic as those who support gun control and say the only reason evil nasty white people oppose gun control is so they can shoot themselves some darikes. :rolleyes:

Okay, one more :rolleyes:
It's call LEGAL immigration and it's where my grandparents (both sides) came across through New York between 1919 and 1921.
The Constitution of the United States, Article 9:

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

It is, you will note, after the Year 1808. Congress now has the right to prohibit Migration or Importation of Persons.

I wonder why the Mexican illegals don't take the time, money and energy they spend on trying to break our immigration laws, and instead use it to reform their own government?

Millions of Mexicans is a powerful political block, and at $300.00 per head, low-ball guess of 300 million dollars should buy a lot of reform.


One of those mysteries of life, I guess.

I am a naturalized American. I endured quite a bit of bureaucracy thru a 4 year process in order to be sworn in as a US citizen. Having been there and done that, I have issues with folks who sneak in to enjoy the way of life I worked so hard to attain.
Yes, we have the right. Tell ya what: Go back home and make Mex better for Mexicans. Seems reasonable to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door
Those who enter therethrough are welcome. All others can go to hell.

Yes, I'm a Native American, given that I was born here. Oh, you had a different definition? Not my problem.

to deny someone the right to come to America based on nationality, creed, or education is wrong
Well, let's see. No-one is denied based on nationality. We have tens of thousands of immigrants here from countries we consider to be our enemies. Creed? we don't even ask, but I don't see any problem with denying those who hold certain creeds, e.g. socialists, comunists, marxists, etc etc etc. Education? It's a factor sometimes, because we don't have the space or the resources for everyone who wants to come here.

Get back in your hole, troll.
I have no problem with immigrants coming into this country by legal means. If you want to be an American, then go through the process and you will be welcome.

If your very first act is to break our laws upon entry, we have enough criminals thank you.

I have an aquaintance who is Chinese and entered this country as a refugee from Vietnam. He was fifteen years old and had the clothes on his back and one shoe. Somehow he managed to do it legally and is now a successful surgeon, contributing to his adopted country.
"I lift my lamp beside the golden door"

So we're agreed that it's the front door that's being referenced and not the back door?

I suggest Mexico apply the open door policy to the immigrants trying to get into its nation through the southern border. The idea that they have some kind of RIGHT to come here--while staying Mexican--is fatuous. America is not just a labor market to be exploited, we are a nation, a society, and a culture, with specific values to be honored and protected.

Also fatuous is the idea that they just come here to work and that we are all better off for it. Right now it's costing my state (California) $10 billion a year to enjoy the fruits of their labor. The LAPD estimates that 60 per cent of the gang members in my city are illegal aliens, 25 to 30 per cent of prison inmates are now illegals, and there are three thousand fugitive felons (homicide) who have fled back to Mexico. This is about a lot more than labor issues--and those issues will, without doubt, surface in the months and years ahead.
I like Don am waiting for the follow-up post! Closure of this thread tho may be not too long in coming! :p

SnWnMe - we share something dude - I too am a legal - and am a tad behind you but not much. Naturalization I hope complete before this year is out. I have been here close to five years now.

My own hoops and hurdles (yep - bureaucratic stuff) - not to mention my expenditure - let's say right now - cumulatively well in excess of a coupla grand (plus many peripheral expenses associated) - give me the feeling that I am here by right - I did the ''right thing''. I also consider even if my accent is ''funny'' that I am as or more American than some - not meant to be an arrogant statement - just that I love my new country with a passion.

That I feel gives me also, like you - the right to whine a bit about those who try the ''easy'' route!
We get stronger every time a Mexican crosses the border.

We would get stronger yet if it were easier.

The cowards, the weak, and the lazy simply don't come.

I base that on the Americans I've fired (in particular, the "foreman" I found sleeping in his car) and replaced with hard working, honest Mexicans.

All the nationalities now here except one were immigrants, once.

Only some of you were legal.

Have a good day.
LOL. Try telling that to the foremen I work with down here in Southern California. We can cherry pick examples till the cows come home. Illegal is illegal.
If they come throug the Golden door

I have no problem with that. Then they are legal immigrants. Otherwise they are Illegal ALIENS. You find lazy and shiftless is all nationalitys. Even crooks. If they want to come to America and be free. Do it legally.
Is it even America's right to tell immigrants off
According to international law, not only do we have the right, but the obligation, to control our borders.
I'm with dasmi and P95Carry on this one. :banghead: :barf:
and to deny someone the right to come to America based on nationality, creed, or education is wrong (At least, in my opinion).

There is no right. There is a conditional welcome that can be constrained or withdrawn at any time.

A nice little poem on a monument gifted by France may not easily be equated with the Constitution.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

This is in reference to slaves.
Yes, I'm a Native American, given that I was born here. Oh, you had a different definition? Not my problem.
I like this one. You know, almost every country on the planet at some time had people immigrating/migrating to it, no? At what point do you say that a person is of that country's origin? I think since I was born here, I am also a native American. Anyone else agree or disagree?

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