Glenn Beck on radio NOW - solidly pro gun!

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May 21, 2003
Miami, Fl.
He's been solidly on our side - especially since the VT massacre. Discussing the issue right now with Ted Nugent.
Saw him on TV last night. He was very good regarding guns and the whole situation. Unlike O'reilly and Dennis Miller. :cuss:
I have a thing against O'Reilly, not really cause of his politics (which I disagree with him on most things but I respect everyone's opinions), but he has been caught in blatant lies. Like how he was so good at football he almost made the pros (he played on the intramural team), and that he was in combat (the way he said it led his viewers to believe that he served when he didn't). There are numerous other examples, and I've seen him deny something he said only to have a video clip of him played back saying it.
I need to watch this guy more. He takes a real common sense approach to issues. The show last night was very interesting. Glen posed the question and observation that our sensitivities are being gradually numbed and neutered with violence (real and immaginary) that is being broadcast over the airways, in movies and other media sources. It really is an interesting observation about himself and one that I think is true of many people. This stuff does not make you want to do these deeds, but maybe it makes you feel less when others do them.
Been listening to him for years and I've never heard him waiver on the issue.
Dennis Miller


I actually think Dennis Miller is coming around. He started his show earlier in the week with the usual gun ban attitude. He had the Brady rep on then the Newsweek editor then Uncle Ted showed up.
Miller himself admitted that he hadn't given the subject much in depth thought and to me it was obvious that Ted started to turn him.
Then yesterday he had John Lott on his program and Miller was amazed by some of the stats which Lott gave on crime reduction after CCW laws are passed. I think he related with Lott when Lott said that everything he knew to be true about gun control before his research was spoon fed him by the media and that Lott still really isn't a gun guy. He just goes where the research leads him.
IMO it's just a matter of time until he's solidly on our side. He is a guy who will listen to facts and common sense and will do the research.
I couldn't stand the guy on SNL or his other shows but since 9/11 he started growing up and still has a bit more to do.
I could be wrong, but from what I've seen, I'm encouraged. He doesn't strike me as an agenda driven dogmatist he previously did.

I wrote him an e-mail pointing out research sources and potential radio show guests and encouraged him to keep a close eye on which side talks out of both sides of their mouths depending on which audience they are in front of and which side has the consistent message.
He made the comment last night on O'Reilly that he couldn't believe the gunman could get a Glock in 10 minutes. Bill concured and said "I can't even get my dry cleaning in 7 days". It sounded like they were saying the gun shop owner was bending some rules to sell a gun that quick.

I didn't see him on O'Reilly but have only been listening to him on radio. He is definitely still in knee jerk mode but I think he has the possibility of being educated out of his ignorance. When you've heard and believed for decades that a person can walk into a gun store and pick up a gun like buying a coke, it takes awhile.
Hopefully his common sense will eventually overcome his on air schtick where gun control is concerned.
I think the guy is educable.
Glenn Beck seems all right but I have only watched his show a few times. One thing that annoys me about political commentators is that they over simplify everything to the point where it become ridiculous. Nothing in life is black & white. It just too hard to take them seriously. Bill on the other hand is a pompous ass. He is also a blantant liar. He use to mention is blue collar roots, when in fact he came from a well off family. He was born in Manhattan, and raised in a white collar town in Long Island. The guy will say anything to appeal to his listeners.
I'm glad that Glenn Beck seems to be pro, G...but I'd be careful about putting much stock at all in what comes out of the mouths of the media talking heads. Most of the time there's so much bs mixed in with fragments of truth it's impossible to know what these guy's are really saying. Picking on Glenn Beck, he's the guy that spent WEEKS last year during the Israelis invasion of Lebanon, swearing, spouting and raving that we were now in WW III. And finding a cooperative guest military expert doesn't make what they are saying true either.

Beck, O'Rielly and etc. are mostly slime balls, who have sold themselves. Be careful about what you accept as gospel.

From Media Matters: "Summary: On his CNN Headline News show, Glenn Beck proclaimed that recent violence in the Middle East and India are evidence that "we've got World War III to fight," and also warned of "the impending apocalypse." Beck added that President Bush is facing the threat "by himself," while former Vice President Al Gore is more concerned with the fact that "[t]he ice is starting to melt in Greenland."

Just one of many.

Miller, funny guy but he blows with the wind and the direction of his career.
But he's been anti2A forever. Remember, he's the guy who said on his show during a monologue:
"The right says we can have their guns when we pry them from their cold, dead hands .... o.k. (with a smile)"

If he stepped toward the RKBA side, his lib masters would have his handlers beat him back in line. Don't look for anything from him but same ole party line.

Beck, while I disagree with his format & delivery, won't waiver on the issue.
I have to say some things in life are black and white, and others are shades of gray. I really don't see how someone can't feel conflicted over ANYTHING.
I have to say some things in life are black and white, and others are shades of gray. I really don't see how someone can't feel conflicted over ANYTHING.

It's only a shade of grey if the issue hasn't been broken down sufficiently to its component parts. That seems to be a lost ability in our current society. Everyone is so into "big picture" thinking that they aren't able to seperate the paint from the canvas.

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