Glock 21 SF mag catch problems

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It's been awhile, but there was a thread on this some time ago with some good pictures.

There's only 3 parts to the mag release. There's the button, then a hinged piece, then a bent, flat spring. The area of the frame where the hinge sits is put under stress when you eject a full mag. Check that area for wear. If it looks good and you have all your pieces, then you'll be able to put it back together. IIRC, the other two parts just drop in, and then sliding the spring home keeps the other parts in place. You'll probably need some needlenose pliers or such to get the spring back in.
I'm going to try and find a diagram to follow and see if I can get it back in. It appears that only the metal hinged mag catch fell out. Everything else appears to still be in there. I just need a diagram of how it's suppose to go. Even if I get it back in, Glock is getting a call Monday about this...I just don't trust it anymore.
The hinges go on the bottom. Drop the hinges into the slot from above, so that the top of the metal piece moves in/out.
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