Now that I have both of these pistols, for my tastes, the Springfield XD is a better overall platform. I think as more and more people try XDs, they will eventually become popular enough to warrant more accessories...
XD45 advantages IMO (in no particular order):
1. Ergonomics: Grip shape is more natural, no finger grooves, smaller grip.
2. Trigger: safety on the trigger is more comfortable than the Glock 21's. The Glocks 21's (and all Glocks I've owned) safety lever digs into my trigger finger and begins to hurt and/or annoy usually after 50 rounds. The design of the XD trigger somehow makes the safety lever on it less abrasive. As for the trigger pull itself, the Glock feels lighter but mushier and longer. The XD trigger pulls seems shorter (less travel), but heavier--although slightly crisper.
3. Recoil: Both guns are mild in this area, but to me the XD recoil is a tad softer than the G21. Maybe because the ergonomics fit me better.
4. Accuracy: Both are really good in this area, but my Glock tends to get 1-2 "fliers" per magazine. My XD will consistently put all 10 in the black.
5. XD45 is SLIGHTLY easier to field strip IMO (strips like a Sig)
6. Forward slide serrations
7. Safety: I like the grip safety, especially on a pistol with a short trigger travel that does NOT have a manual safety
8. Steel Magazines
9. Steel sights
10. Steel guide rod
11. Price
Glock advantages IMO (in no particular order):
1. Longer track record
2. More support for fixing (armorers, gunsmiths usually know the Glock design a little better)
3. More parts and custom accessories available
4. Corrosion resistence
5. Long term durability?
XD45 advantages IMO (in no particular order):
1. Ergonomics: Grip shape is more natural, no finger grooves, smaller grip.
2. Trigger: safety on the trigger is more comfortable than the Glock 21's. The Glocks 21's (and all Glocks I've owned) safety lever digs into my trigger finger and begins to hurt and/or annoy usually after 50 rounds. The design of the XD trigger somehow makes the safety lever on it less abrasive. As for the trigger pull itself, the Glock feels lighter but mushier and longer. The XD trigger pulls seems shorter (less travel), but heavier--although slightly crisper.
3. Recoil: Both guns are mild in this area, but to me the XD recoil is a tad softer than the G21. Maybe because the ergonomics fit me better.
4. Accuracy: Both are really good in this area, but my Glock tends to get 1-2 "fliers" per magazine. My XD will consistently put all 10 in the black.
5. XD45 is SLIGHTLY easier to field strip IMO (strips like a Sig)
6. Forward slide serrations
7. Safety: I like the grip safety, especially on a pistol with a short trigger travel that does NOT have a manual safety
8. Steel Magazines
9. Steel sights
10. Steel guide rod
11. Price
Glock advantages IMO (in no particular order):
1. Longer track record
2. More support for fixing (armorers, gunsmiths usually know the Glock design a little better)
3. More parts and custom accessories available
4. Corrosion resistence
5. Long term durability?