I am sorry my friend but i have to totally disagree with most of the things the xd ban wagon is saying.The xd is not even comparable to the g21.
Thank you for saying that: they are indeed different.
And what does lapd know about guns they use to use the stuff they confiscated off the criminals until they found the kimbers.
I doubt the veracity of that statement.
They are the most gun hating crew out there.
According to? Or do you have proof?
First the magazines on a glock are steal lined and platic covered it is like your house with extra insulation and protection.Try dropping the xd mags fully loaded on the concrete it aint going to happen.
Done it. More than once. And not on purpose. They recover just fine. Might scuff the baseplate a little bit, but them's the brakes.
The plastic also covers those sharp edges the xd has on the bottom of their mags.So if you need to grab quick you will not cut yourself.The glock is the only mag i know you can leave fully loaded and not worry about the spring wearing out.Unlike springfeild who is known for there weak springs thats why anyone who buys a springfeild 1911 they buy wilson mags.
This is an ignorant statement. I have personally dissassembled the XD magazine and it does not have sharp edges.
The Glock is not the only magazine you can leave fully loaded and not have to worry about. Smith and Wesson, VZ, Sig, HK and yes even the XD magazines can be left this way for years on end.
And finally... have you ever loaded any of the XD mags especially the early ones? Those things will make a believer of anybody. When I get new XD mags in any caliber besides .45 (which has an improved design it seems) I leave it loaded for a few months to smooth out some of the tension, and even then it's still tight as Fort Knox. As a matter of fact, many quality pistol magazines are like this.
The price=I have been researching this for awhile and the cheapest xd i found was 560.The cheapest glock i found was around 450.So glock won those two rounds.
Okay let's compare. XD45ACP vs. G21
The only reason the XD is $10 more right now is because it is new and they can get away with selling it for that much.
Look into the other chamberings, and you'll find that XDs are on average cheaper than Glocks. For the .45s, time will tell.
Now ergonomics=The glock is known for the simplisity and feild stripping.Saying the xd is easier to take down is like saying we are getting our butts kicked by iraq.It is just not true.
Let's see, drop magazine, open/clear chamber, slide up lever, pull trigger, done. Granted the Glock isn't exactly complicated either, I call it a tie here so I agree with you.
all in all the glock does have the thicker grip but the xd ban wagon saying glock misses the paper is just wrong.Maybe who ever is shooting the glock should try aiming.I have yet to not score a hundred with my glock duty pistol and i dont think i ever will not.That is why 80% of leos out there are either issued glock or buy there own.
So you're saying I should use an akward tool and learn to compensate for it rather than use a tool that's better for me personally and actually learn to improve my marksmanship?
Also, the reason LEOs have Glocks is the price. Have you seen what agencies pay for Glocks? If I could get new Glocks for less than 3 bills I'd have Glocks too!
And all that rubish about the discharge are 100% human error.And you shouldnt need a little bead in the back of the slide to tell you one is chambered.
We agree again, I never use the loaded chamber indicator; I trust my eyes and fingers only. It does serve as a substitute for a press check FWIW, but the presence of it is not why I like the gun.
Sorry glock wins by first round knock out and there will be no rematch.So get rid of all those sissy guns and get yourself a glock.When your life depends on it i wouldnt use nothing but the best.
Wow. Just wow. I have no rebuttal for that kind of eloquence.