Glock 27: I've got very little accuracy at anything over 25 feet.

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Dec 31, 2002
My friend has a full size .45 that I shot once, and I wasn't too bad with it but it's safe to say that I'm a horrible shot with the sub compact Glock .40 that I always carry. I'm not too bad when the target is only 15-25 feet away... but if I put it much beyond that I can't hit anything!

Just keep practicing? Does anyone have any good tips on improving my accuracy with this gun?
Is the grip too short for your hands? Maybe you need extensions on the magazine.
Do you get a consistent grip on the gun? That can also affect accuracy.
Is the .45 ACP you refer to also a Glock?
The full size .45 was a Glock. I can't remember the model number.

I do have a pearce extension on one of my mags. My hands aren't huge, but when I use the mag without the extension I've got no place to put my pinky. The one with the extension does give me a place to put my pinky, but neither one seemed to make much of a difference in my accuracy.

One thing I noticed is when I was aiming for the center of the target all my hits were to the lower right of it. I even tried aiming to the upper left and I was still hitting in the lower right.
Could be that you have a problem similar to the one I have. Glocks just don't point right for me. When I bring the Glock up on target it always lines up high. By that I mean every shot taken with any speed always prints high. The grip angle just isn't right for me. 1911 type grip angle points and hits dead center. Same for S&W autos. Could be you have the same problem.

When I slow fire the Glock the problem disappears so I know the sights are dead on.
Not to discourage you from getting better with your gun---but---I view my G27 as a last ditch self defense gun------if my G27 comes out--they are going to be close-real close. At those ranges---the accuracy of my big-bore blaster isn't going to matter much----because at that range you can't miss.

My first course of action is to get the heck outta Dodge---so hopefully I don't have to use my Glock in the first place.
You should be able to hit a 10" square plate at 25 yards (75 feet) with a Glock 27.

The best way I've found to improve is to use NRA-style handgun "Bullseye" targets at short range (7 yards) to figure out what you're doing wrong.

The .40 round doesn't seem to be as accurate as .45, or so I've heard. My Glock 23 seemed great from the bench! But besides that, .40 is a more powerful round, so there's more recoil. You need to have better follow-through and a better grip in order to make accurate shots.

Another problem, specific to the subcompacts, is that the sights are too close together. Not only does that mean that tiny misalignments give greater errors, but, in the case of Glock sights, you can barely see the space on either side of the front post when trying to align the sights. I find it difficult to align the stock sights on the subcompact.

So how do you fix these issues? For better follow-through, you might have to adjust your shot process. What I do is to look for, and feel for, the trigger stop. That is to say, that when I take a shot, my shot isn't completed until I feel the increased pressure of an immobile trigger on my finger. This act forces me to try to maintain alignment for just a hair longer than I would otherwise. This is so because I'm no longer concerned with the break point, but with the backstop. This causes me to squeeze through the break point smoothly and lets the shot break as more of a surprise. And anything you do that lets you maintain your position while the gun goes through the process of letting off a shot, will improve your follow-through.

As for your grip...grip harder. Don't just squeeze the grip like a tennis racket (which is more like wrapping your hand around the grip) it more like trying to squeeze the juice out of a lemon (which is more like pressing the grip into your palm.) The more solidly the gun's grip is against your palm, the more it acts as an extension of your hand.

Also, it seems that a naturally aligning grip is more important with the .40. So practice griping the gun in such a way that the sights are already aligned when you bring the gun up.

As for the sights...change them. But first, try to widen the rear notch with a sharp file. If it doesn't work out then get some quality sights on there, like Heine Slant-Pro or something like that.
Greeting's All,

Quite to the contrary, I have found that the .40 caliber
Glock model 27 out performed my Glock 23; and SIGARMS
P229! Groups were smaller, and recoil and muzzle blast
didn't seem as terriffic; when shooting factory fodder!

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Would the 9 x 19mm Parabellum (Luger) be more accurate, theoretically, than either the .40 S&W or the .45ACP?

And what about the .357 SIG?

As far as I know, the difference is pretty minimal... you should be able to hit a small target at 25ft with the gun/caliber combination you're talking about if you get your technique right.
I second Ala Dan on this. My G27 is an incredibly accurate little shooter, and gets tighter groups than my G23 and G22. In the same way, my G33 gets tighter groups than my G31. I think the shorter barrel is somehow "stiffer" than the longer one, and perhaps another factor is because of the shorter sight radius, I take greater trouble about the sight picture. Suffice it to say that while I prefer a longer barrel to get the velocity up, I'm very happy with either a G27 or G33 if concealment requires me to carry one of them.
Thanks for all the good information and thanks for that link to the target. I'm going to print that out and check out some of the others on that site.

One last question... what kind of ammo do you all use for target practice? I've just been buying the cheapest boxes they have at Wal-Mart which is Winchester 180 gr. FMJ. $10 a box... but it still hurts to know everytime I squeeze the trigger I'm throwing almost a whole quarter away! :)
Was off center with my G19 when I first got it. Try shooting it from a supported structure. Bench rest type of unit. It was dead on and showed me that it was the shooter. Then went to using this chart below and it helped immensley. Have fun.
15-25 feet? That's just around 5-8 yards/steps away :eek:

You may be flinching, since the 40's recoil is much more pronounced than that of a 45's.

Just relax, Kimosabe.

It won't bite you.

Breath in, out... hold.... then press straight back.... easy.... easy...


You're cured! ;)
I learned when I started shooting compact & sub compact guns that they tend to be less forgiving than their larger, longer bretheren. I would recommend more trigger time & practice, practice, practice.
for shot to shot consistency(read small groups) you need a consistent grip. That is hard with the G27 especially if you have large hands like i do. The recoil is pretty good and the grips are small. You might want to try some sort of grip enhancer like the hogue or the agrip. I use agrip which helps keep the gun from squirming too much and doesn't grab at my clothing when carry concealed as i suspect the hogue might. Flinching and subsequent trigger pull problems can be a problem with this gun due to recoil and blast which is magnified if you are shooting on an indoor range.
I could shoot my G27 pretty well for the first 2 mags full. After that, I got recoil shy and had shotgun sized groupings. My cure was to get a G26. That fixed me right up.
TOO, do you have a .22 handgun? If not, I think that getting one may be the cost effective solution to your problem. Good to get the basics down first and apply them to other handguns down the line.

PS - I test fired a G27 and noted that with ball ammo accuracy was not too good. Switched to Federal JHPs and really tightened up the groups.
All good responses. However, I would first make sure the glock 27 was accurate with the ammo you are using. Perhaps let an experience shooter try out glock 27 with ammo and see how it shoots. I have had good luck with Federal 155 grains loads in my glock 27- federal classic and federal eagle both in 155 grains. Good luck.
good advice all. however, if you want to shoot paper at 50 yards or so, get a K19 or a N29 or something along these lines. if a handgun is not capable of cutting the X ring at 50 yards, consistently, it is not particularly accurate. i have a couple Glocks, have shot many more, and there is no way in hell they will ever do that, even in a machine rest Glocks are not made for this and one should not expect it. they will, however, shoot the guts out of a bg at closer ranges, and that is why i carry them for social occasions. i like my Glocks, but, they are not target guns. want a real sweetie, get a SnW Mdl. 41. try diff ammo. shoot gnats at 50 yards.
Do you dry fire? Can you line up the sights on a target and pull the trigger without moving the sights when the gun is not loaded?

If you can, then you can shoot the gun much better than you are, you're just not doing as described above when the gun is loaded.

To prove this to yourself, mix a couple dummy rounds

in with a magazine of live ammo so that you won't know when you'll hit the dummy's, then shoot like you normally do.

If you're focusing on your front sight (like you're supposed to) when you click on a dummy round without expecting to, you will see why your rounds are going down and right, cuz that's where your front sight will go. This will remind you to squeeze the trigger like you do when dry firing instead of deciding to fire the shot.

Now all you have to do is practice doing it correctly, and keep using the dummy rounds so you can see how you're doing.
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