Go Hillary Go

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Hillary may well be the Dem candidate in 2004. If she is, it is those in power, real power who will it. She will lose of course. There is no way she can win. Sure some certain minorities will vote for her (not hispanics!), and some women, but many women, god bless them, will not vote for her. Just look at the Mondale/Ferraro ticket.

Don't kid yourself, for the most part the reason Bill Clinton got elected was that the yuppie male who used to smoke dope in college voted for him, suckered into that "Don't Stop, Thinking About Tomorrow" B.S. Hey, even I have a woody for Stevie Nicks!

George W. Bush is unbeatable in 2004 unless he gets caught molesting Girl Scouts . . . and that ain't gonna happen. The man and his handlers are too smart.

No, friends, we are going to invade Iraq, we are going to surround and subvert Iran (surrounded by Afganistan and Iraq), and western interests are going to control mideastern oil. Pax Americana!

"The business of America is business." - Calvin Coolidge
And I will worry about it in the morning.

Meanwhile, I'll just reread Mr. Powers' piece and marvel at some of his phrases...

"...a guy who cries because Rush Limbaugh consistently beats him like a Bangkok circus elephant."

John...Costa Rica is very, very nice. Beautiful country and delightful people.
Unless GW commits a major blunder, I don't expect Hillary to run in 2004. 2008 is another story though. If she runs, I hope the GOP does the right thing and unleashes Condi Rice. A conservative pro-gun woman who is accomplished and has years of experience as a Washington insider? What's not to like? Oh yeah, and she's black too :)

Someone stated in a previous thread that if Hillary runs she will attain the office if she has to stage a coup to do so and I must agree. These people will stop at nothing to achieve their goals----- Vince Foster, Ron Brown---remember them? Yeah okay so I'm paranoid, that doesn't mean people aren't out to get me!
The only interesting thing about Hillary running would be hubby Bill. You know that she needs to stand on her own and would not want to be photographed with him or even have him speak. Now add to that Billy boy's love/need for attention and hopefully the sparks will fly. :D
If you guys elect her (I can't vote) I'm going back to New Zealand!

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