going postal on E!TV

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Feb 26, 2008
i'm watching this program called: going postal: 15 of the most shocking acts of violence.

shows the shooting that made the uk ban guns.

shows the university of texas shooting.

shows a texas shooting in a cafeteria style restaurant that enabled a woman to get the texas ccw passed.

it's pretty good, neutral it seems.
i watched it and saw the spokesman for the brady center speak on each act of violence 6 times. the nra or other pro 2a or rkba organizations were not given a chance to rebut. not neutral at all.
shows the shooting that made the uk ban guns.

shows a texas shooting in a cafeteria style restaurant that enabled a woman to get the texas ccw passed.
And that's the difference between them and us,praise God.

And who cares what Hollywood says the most violent acts are? I don't get my history or politics from E!,of all channels. I don't give two hoots what the writers of "20 Most Shocking Celebrity Breakups" has to say about shocking violence.
I only watched the second half of the show. Suzanna Hupp made the sole pro-2A appearance, while Paul Helmke seemed to be popping up and spouting his normal brand of BS almost every segment.

On the upside, watching the show did facilitate a self defense discussion with my wife. She is slowly coming around, to the point that she made the astute observation that my guns would be more useful if at least one of them lived in the bedroom.
"20 Most Shocking Celebrity Breakups"

I would care less if all those libpervert celebrities get AIDS from their colorful lifestyles. Especially George Loonie Clooney, who had the audacity to mock the late Charlton Heston, our hero and father figure.
I wonder if this kind of thing isn't actually more helpful to us than it seems.

It seems as though the most harmful stuff isn't the news and [other] anti-gun programming but rather the shows where you see the gun shot out of the bad guy's hand with a snubbie from across a football field. My friends are constantly saying things like "why couldn't they just shoot him in the leg?" and being terrified of a resurgence of the Wild West.

On the other hand, things like this provoke the reaction like from boatbod's wife: maybe there's a time and a place for guns for defense. It's not a perfect solution, but it's definitely a start.
I was listening to the infamous shooting that turned the UK in to a common sense, ban guns Isle.

A few hidden portions (I am a Brit) the shooting in which the nut case killed the 14 kid's and teachers in Scotland (Dunblaine?) the real story! First, that Law was Written, and sitting in a tray in Westminster, prior to the School Yard massacre!

The President and an other member of the Gun Club the killer belonged too, went to the Police Station... "We have a member who talks of killing kids and Teachers, he hates them!" "He owns an AK47 self loading, 30 round firearm" The dumb S+++ Sgt: said "We can not do anything till he does something" Wrong, the Law allowed them to preempt Violence, on "Clear and prevailing evidence of impending danger to Citizens" or words to that effect, but they are bone idle.

Self defense is not a reason to have a firearm in the UK, or Canada, or Australia, or New Zealand, oh no.

I love Florida, and my Glocks!
Never mind can't get it to work.

Look up Suzanna Hupp on you tube testifying before congress, she let's em have it!

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