Going to Gunsite! Any tips?

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A little late coming into,this thread. I attended the Centennial 250 last year, like the rest of you, it was a fantastic experience. Ed Head was our range master. 98+% were 1911's. the instructors commented, it was a testament to the 1911, as they all performed exceptionally well, with only one failed extractor. That gun (Caspian) was hand built by its owner, 80 yrs young, many moons ago. The other failure was a loose sight. Truly a good showing by the 1911.
ultra45 said:
the instructors commented, it was a testament to the 1911, as they all performed exceptionally well, with only one failed extractor.
If you were at the one some of the THR Mods attended, you must be referring to your section...this was the class that was broken into 3 groups and had the gal shooting the Glock.

We had 2 1911s go down in our section too. One was a factory spec Ruger SR1911 that lost it's firing pin stop on the line and the other was a broken extractor. We also have a couple of guns foul on the dust.

You should have come over and to say Hi
If you were at the one some of the THR Mods attended, you must be referring to your section...this was the class that was broken into 3 groups and had the gal shooting the Glock.
That *was* a good week. I wonder if we should try and organize a THR Gunsite 350 class or some such...
Maybe something different and a road trip to Thunder Ranch in OR?

If you'd like to travel less, there is Bill Rogers' place in GA
might also consider elbow pads in case you trip and fall.get blue star ointment for the blisters,rash bug bites,jock itch,foot irritaion etc., if the weather is extremely hot/dry

make sure you have good quality socks,gold bond powder works great on keeping the feet and upper areas dry to prevent rubbing parts tenderness,especially on the heavier folks,quick sinus releif,vix 12 hour ultra fine nasal spray.
Yes, Sept '11. The old timer had the extractor go on his Caspian. It was a shortie. He built 2 more guns for his sons, God Bless him. I shot my Baer TRS, it ran flawlessly. Didn't realize Mark from Ruger had a firing pin stop issue. He was to the left of me on the line. I thought it was a rear sight.

I second the trip to Thunder Ranch, but would go back to Gunsite in a heartbeat.
Didn't realize Mark from Ruger had a firing pin stop issue. He was to the left of me on the line. I thought it was a rear sight.
I don't think it was the Ruger rep in our group, though it might have been. I believe it was just someone that bought one of the new Rugers.
Yup, it wasn't the Ruger rep...this was a privately owned SR1911. You'd remember us if you were in our group. We brought coffee for the instructors (Wednesday?) and a guy from our section won the shootoff at the end of the week

This is still pretty good performance for a 1911 class. Rob Pincus has a standing offer of a free class for anyone whose 1911 doesn't fail during one of his classes...you'll have to look up any conditions imposed
My Baer and my Colt Govt from 1977 will do 1000 rounds at a time I usually put some oil on the rails, barrel and clean the ramp, same as I do with mt Glock on high round count courses. At Gunsite I wiped my Baer down each evening and ran a snake thru it a couple of times. It ran flawlessly.

My CCO has gone 400 rounds without a problem. I'm satisfied if my guns run 8-10 mags without any hiccups. Actually, for work (plainclothes) I carry one or 2 spares and several more in my car, briefcase and go bag. Hopefully I will never need them except for the range.
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