Good day at the range--

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Apr 8, 2010
After a week of rain, today the scattered showers turned out to be mostly sun breaks--a thing really appreciated here in the Pacific Northwest (near Portland, OR).

The .22 rifle range was reserved for police practice. I've been wanting to walk in to see what they were doing but was unsure if I would be welcome. Turned out I was...welcome.

They were shooting moving targets at 75 yds with AR-15's from avaliable rests (upright beams of the shelter we shoot from) and from kneeling using the same uprights. The moving targets were controlled with a transmitter commonly used for model aircraft.

I wandered next door to the 200 yd range and watched a couple LEO's shooting prone at targets that were held up on poles by helpers downrange (there is a below-ground area you can stand up in). Scoped AR-15's. The targets (paper plates) were held up only a few seconds so the shots had to be quick. Basically head shots.

Then I went over to the pistol range and tried out my recently sighted-in Ruger 22/45 with the $30 red dot from Cabellas. I played to my strengths by shooting from a rest. First at 25 yds and then at 50. I consider myself successful if I hit an 8" target 5 times out of 10. But wait! I was accurate enough to use each quadrant of the target so I got in 40-50 shots on one shoot-n-c (I love those targets!) Basically I had a lot of fun.

I'm a new shooter - only been shooting a couple years. Took several classes and got my concealed handgun license. I'd like to go to the eastern part of the state and shoot some ground hogs soon.

Best to all -

Way to go, Lee. As a fellow Oregonian, I too am appreciative of those rare spring days in the Willamette Valley when we can actually get out and shoot a bit without all of the liquid sunshine getting in the way -- and all over our shooting glasses to boot. What range do you use?

P.S. It doesn't rain all that much here, really. We only tell that story 10 to 15 times a day to help keep the Californians in California. :)
Hmmph. We just spent 6 days in the Eugene/Corvallis area and got 1 1/2 days rain, the rest sunny and mild. Or maybe a bit brisk.

It rained the day before we left home in the SF Bay area and rained big time today. So all in all we stayed dryer in Oregon. I do not expect this to be the rule.

Regarding discouraging Californians, while in Oregon I found that the West Coast Machine Gun shop is in the city where we had booked our rooms. About three or four miles north of that was an indoor range just off the 5 that advertised machine gun shoots. When we visited the Albany Rifle and Pistol Club we were informed that they do machine gun shoots.

My best buddy, who lives in Prairie City, opined that maybe the high profile machine gun stuff is to attract the right kind of Californian:

"I think they have finally realized that turning away Californios was discouraging some of their strongest allies among those fleeing a liberal state gone wild. So why not make things as appealing as possible to bring them in?"

TCGC is a good range. I try to go weekly.

Unfortunately the 22LR has been getting most of the action lately due to weather.
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