Good pro-gun books for teenagers?

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Another good "first read" for the self-avowed liberal who is still willing to listen (and by that I'm not picking on "liberals", per se, only those who think they've got everything figured out).

"Why Liberals Should Love the Second Amendment" by Angry Mouse

More multimedia:

Suzanna Gratia-Hupp testifying before Congress about her parents being killed in front of her while her gun was locked up in her car, per Texas law.
"Johnny Tremain" is an excellent classic novel about Revolutionary War era-Boston. It goes into great detail about the British efforts to disarm the Americans. Reading the book makes it VERY clear why the second Ammendment was adopted.
Robert Heinlein wrote many science fiction novels for young adults. Without exception these novels are interesting while promoting self-reliance, including weapons' ownership and use to maintain/protect people. There is no librarian who would object to these novels being available for loan.

Hope this helps.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, design a building, write a sonnet, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, solve equations, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

The Notebook of Lasarus Long
They lived through the missiles, they lived through the bombs, they lived through the fires, they lived through the epidemics — which were not extreme and may not have been weapons; both sides disclaimed them — and they lived through the long period of disorders while civil government writhed like a snake with a broken back. They lived. They went on.
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Farnham’s Freehold
Trading Post & Restaurant Bar

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Hugh & Barbara Farnham & Family Freeholders

Farnham's Freehold
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It's not a book, but this essay is one of the most rational defenses of firearms I've ever read:

Why the Gun is Civilization - Marko (The Munchkin Wrangler)

I would be amazed if any anti-gunner could find real fault with what he argues here.

EDIT: Fixed Link
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Johnny Tremain, various Heinlein have already been recommended.

I'll recommend something a little more off in left field: Robert Louis Stevenson's novels. Kidnapped deals with the English disarming the Scots. In Treasure Island, Jim would be dead if he did not carry and know how to use pistols.

Something that I read as a kid: One Week of Danger by Cateau De Leeuw
Some of Heinlein might be a bit racy for a 13-year-old, sadly that includes many of his books with strong (and armed) female characters.

Why not tell them about women like Kim Rhodes, Julie Goloski or Kay Clark Miculek? Top-notch shooters all and in real life. Or Annie Oakley? She was real, too.
I wrote Enemies Foreign And Domestic specifically to appeal to fence-sitters and even to "antis" who are even a little bit open minded. There is no strong profanity, and the protagonist is a 21 year old female. A key element of the novel is demonstrating that this female becomes more than the match of any man or men, once she is empowered by carrying a .45 caliber pistol and other firearms.

Yes, she targets a state attorney general, but only after her father, a gun store owner, is assassinated and burned by thugs sent by a rogue element of the ATF. The state attorney general in question then, on television, gloats at the death of these "merchants of death" on television. The female protagonist, understandably more than a little flipped out after seeing her father's shot and burnt corpse, initially has no other better target for her rage.

That's only about 2% of the novel, but I wanted to explain that Enemies Foreign And Domestic doesn't advocate or show mindless violence against government officials in general. Only after a long train of violent and murderous abuses do some people begin to react violently toward some government agents, in this work of fiction.


Don't know about these being pro gun per se (more like pro sling)... Jean Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear series w/ the caveat: Adult content.

The epitome of a strong female protagonist who conquers all; well researched and written.
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