Good rifle for squirrel?

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hmmmm well considering these TN squirrel' might want atleast armor pericing...maybe explovies. OH yea make sure you are fireing from the hip....they wont respect you any other way
And if you miss the shock wave from the bullet will probably field dress them, anyway:eek: :D
Well you've obviously never had a wounded , enraged squirrel turn rogue. Lucky for you I never miss.

I'd worry about overpenetration though, I'm thinking 24 inches of oak might not be enough backstop.
I've been spending way too much time here: first thing I thought when I read the title of this thread was a M95 should fit the bill...
Anything less than a perfect head shot will just upset them. Remember always use enough gun.

Well, you never know.
I have seen the little beasts take full bore hits from a shotgun, and still hit the ground and run. They are tougher than you would think.
So are porcupines. I once saw one take a hit with a .410 slug at about twenty feet. It just got up and kept walking, and it took another shot to finish it.
I have alot of respect for wild animals. You almost have to hunt them to understand how tough they can be.
Not nearly enough my boy! You had best invest in 20MM anti-aircraft machine guns. They move like lightning and they can take anything from 22LR to 50BMG bullets in the eyes and still keep coming!
Your best bet is to 'bark' the squirrel like they did in the old days. They would aim at the bark under the squirrel, and the bark shrapnel would kill or stun the squirrel, and the hunter could recover the ball to be melted down and recast. In your case, aiming for the center of the tree trunk within a few feet of the squirrel should do.:evil:

What kind of squirrels do you have out there?

And runt? That picture reminds me of the coyote going after the roadrunner for some reason.

oh and by the way.... this is why I love THR.

Ya'll rock.

In the PRK, Feinstein says that most people will carry that and try to rob a Stop-N-Rob with that.. yeah right!

hehehe.. Squirrel SPRAY!!
Nice gun...she must be hunting that "fat squirrel" from the Honda commercial.

Hey Runt-
Bend at the knee's otherwise you could hurt your back. :D :D :D Great Picture!!!
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