Got a gun? Flaunt it

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

February 27, 2003, Thursday


LENGTH: 573 words

HEADLINE: OUR TOWN : Got a gun? Flaunt it

BYLINE: Richard Allin


FUNNY HOW a difference of opinion can make people grumpy. I've been holding forth here about how stupid I think a legislative proposal is that would allow licensed gun-toters to carry guns into public restaurants that serve alcohol.

My e-mail has been running hostile: We need concealed guns in restaurants for all sorts of reasons: It's a "right" under the Constitution. These are dangerous times, and a lot of dangerous people are also armed. A person with a concealed weapon could forestall a shoot- 'em-up massacre like they had in a Texas restaurant where several were killed.

I'm not arguing they aren't right. The Second Amendment certainly allows for people to own guns. And maybe a good-guy gun-bearer could get the drop on a bad guy and plug him before he did any harm. We do have a right to self-protection. I don't deny that.

But I don't hold with the argument that we're safer in a restaurant where there are licensed concealed gun carriers, than in an eatery where nobody is armed.

But that's my opinion, and though it chafes the gun-lovers, I have a right to it. BUT NOW, I want those gun-lovers who get hostile at me for my opinions, and who start calling names, to get one thing straight!

A "liberal" I ain't!

I am not one of that "liberal ilk" that gun-toters like to charge me as being.

I confess to being liberally educated from a liberal arts college, but by that college I was stamped by a civilized conservatism that's a strong influence on the way I think, act and drink.

I have never registered as a member of any political party. I have always voted for the more conservative candidate for president of the United States. Mostly that's been easy, because of the milquetoasts and cotton candies that the Democrats have put up.
I hate politics as divisive. So did my heroes Joseph Addison and George Washington.

I have Tory leanings, and if I were qualified and smart enough I'd be a registered elitist. NOW I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't also slavering, raving left-wing liberals who aren't also registered to carry concealed weapons. So mingling with all those red-blooded, Constitution-defending gun-bearers in Miss Tilly's Bar and Grill may be a mincing posse of left-wing concealed pistol-toters ordering hamburger steaks too. WHY SHOULD guns be concealed anyway? Why carry your gat under your jacket?

I am herewith formulating the Allin Plan to Require All Personal Firearms to be Visible When Carried in Public (APTRAPFTBVWCIP.)
Under the plan, licensed gun carriers would have to wear guns in holsters where they may be seen. This would likely be on the hip or around the neck. Each carrier would be limited to one gun, as it would be unlikely that a typical firefight at Wendy's would require more than five or six shots. Extra bullets could be carried.

THE ALLIN PLAN, if passed, would be a boon to the fashion industry. An upscale Gucci model would set off an Armani suit. Bill Blass might offer an "Evening at Eight" model in black patent leather. Abercrombie and Fitch could outfit semi-nude boys with models that cover strategic parts.

Now please don't take issue with these suggestions. If we are going to carry guns in public, we might as well make it a class act.

Richard Allin's Our Town column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and alternate Sundays. E-mail him at: [email protected]
Interesting assumption

...that you would have a restaurant with no one carrying weapons. Obviously, here in Chicago, where all guns are illegal every restaurant must be that way.

But then again we still have shootings in restaurants when a couple of gang bangers get into it over some real or imagined slight.

I guess what the author really means is he wants to sit in a restuarant where none of the good guys are allowed to have a gun and you all take your chances with the law breakers sitting at the next table, right?

Don P.
I know it does NO GOOD at all, but..

I still sent this to the jerk.

You stated the following:
"But I don't hold with the argument that we're safer in a restaurant where there are licensed concealed gun carriers, than in an eatery where nobody is armed."

I suggest you do a search on "Luby's Cafeteria" and "Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp" (now a Texas State Representative). If you are at all an honest journalist (I know, that is a nearly universal contradiction in terms today, but one can hope.) you will quickly learn why Texans and many other people who actually keep up with this sort of thing (real news) will consider this the dumbest remark in the entire piece.
How you expect to find an eatery where it can be guaranteed that no criminal will ever enter armed (with no one there armed to stop him, after all, by your rules) is incomprehensible"

Even used my real name.
A 'no weapons allowed' (like a stop-n-rob, bar, etc) place is a favorite for the bad guys...

Those places have:

2..People with cash/credit cards
3..No preparedness for bad guys i.e. armed citizens
I am not one of that "liberal ilk" that gun-toters like to charge me as being.
That's right. He's just another statist operating under the delusion that he would be one of the philosopher-kings calling the shots, if only the world were running the way it ought to be. Problem is, of course, that the world is what it is, not what he thinks it ought to be, a misperception he shares with most liberals. Others may mistake him for being a liberal because he, like most liberals, has a talent for convincing himself that he is reasoning when in fact he is simply emoting.
I am herewith formulating the Allin Plan to Require All Personal Firearms to be Visible When Carried in Public

Tell you what, buddy; you get all legislative barriers to carrying guns everywhere (schools, bars, airplanes, courtrooms, whathaveyou) for everyone dropped, and I'll back you 100%... I'll carry my gun openly if you'll let me carry it EVERYWHERE.
My reply to the guy:

While its fine for you to have that opinion, you might wish to consider having a more
realistic and logical opinion. The two choices you present are not the proper dichotomy: you compare "no licensed carriers" to "nobody." As I'm sure you're aware, not all gun carriers are legally licensed. It's not an ideal world where the people you have to worry about obey all the laws - which is why you have to worry about them. In the real world, you'll be sitting in an eatery with no legally licensed gun carriers, and no restriction on illegally unlicensed gun carriers. Why would you prefer that?
Sorry, but I'm suspicious of the conservative leanings of anyone who describes themselves as having "Tory leanings" yet doesn't live in the UK. Are we to infer that he is a pro-monarchist who dissaproves of the "Labour rabble"? :rolleyes:
Good Work Team

I see ya'll already handled the pieces I was gonna cut and paste out.

No way to guarantee you're in an eatery where no one is armed, just that no one is legally armed.

Now the bit about

WHY SHOULD guns be concealed anyway? Why carry your gat under your jacket?

I'm kinda curious about... I'm gonna raise it in another thread.

Blackhawk said it. What a twit. I wonder if this guy was late for his Mensa meeting after having to meet the deadline for his little work of art there.

- Gabe
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