Government Officers Can't Carry Back-Ups

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It depends on who you talk to, I guess. I have found that there is alot of anymosity between the different agencies of DHS.
Most civilians have no idea the regulations their LEO's are under. If yo try to tell them they either don't believe you or would rather believe some anonymous Internet commando.

My first haft of my LEO career I couldn't "legally" carry a back up gun. Nor was I issued body armor. At one point they took away our speed loaders and gave us a 12 round bullet holder. Why? Because the politicians thought it "looked better". When I put the first 6 on a speed strip, I was accused of "being to aggressive".

Early in my LEO career, I decided NOT to expect the Dept. to buy what I needed to stay alive. Also if a "rule" was hazardous to my health, then I would break that rule and deal with the consequences later. But I would be alive to deal with it.

Some did not want to take that chance. That's their choice. I made mine.
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