Gun article on The Onion

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When stuff like this happens there is really no one cause, it couldn't have been helped.Hopefully we can all just move on.

I'm thinking about starting a charity to remember the fallen.
I'm thinking about starting a charity to remember the fallen.

We usually just pile them in a big green steel mass grave, but I've seen some clubs go with the funeral pyre idea.

That's what we normally do with the remains, Sam.

We probably should take up an offering, though. Why should the Brady Campaign get all the money? I'll set up the Corporation, and agree to run for Treasurer.
Lol, one guy was commenting on the brady FB page about how "This is exactly the kind of stuff we have to stop!!" It took about three more posts for him to finally realize it was all a joke.
I emailed that to a bunch of people, one of which is the type to go off half-cocked at any mention of gun control, antigun media, etc, he sent back to me RAILING about the unfair media coverage of this tragedy and why didnt someone else in the range put a bullet in him to stop him. Hilarious, I could almost hear the "harumpfff!" :D:D:D
The Onion is the only place I get my news. It's funny, the company I work for has SonicWall to block us from using the internet for anything interesting....but, I can look at The Onion and TMZ all day long because they are classified as "news" sites. Of course I have my super duper DL proxy server to participate on THR as well. :evil:
Some of the sick freaks the Shooter associates with are known to take their hapless target's remains home, to display as grotesque trophies, pinned gruesomely to cork-boards, stapled to walls, and hung on the kitchen Fridge with magnets.
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