Remember, you don't need a gun, because you'll give the robber what he wants.

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"Here Mr. Serial Killer, just take what you want and don't hurt me!!"

Sounds like good advice to me(for the Serial killers)!! :banghead: :uhoh: ...
I guess women were supposed to give in to ,"Jack the Ripper", too :( .
No worries Pax, but the concept that permissive parenting is what creates LVO's needed to be blown out of the water once and for all.

Seeing someone say such a thing is like watching someone reccommend using pyrodex to reload .223 remington.

Salient Points -

#1 Against an LVO, immediate armed defense is the *only* effective method.
#2 Permissive parenting does not cause LVOs, abusive parenting does.

And are you for a moment inferring that a well timed and very deserved spanking, or other form of physical punishment doled out on a child or teenager is abusive treatment of that youth? If you are truly stating that, please bear in mind that such is not abuse and such is permitted by law even in my ultra left wing liberal state NY. I do not think anyone was talking about abuse as such but simply about those who claim anything, that is any straw which they can grasp, such as spankings when they were young, should be seen as an EXCUSE for their current criminal behavior.

By the way can you think of no criminals who were extremely violent offenders who had permissive parents? Extreme over permissiveness probably is as bad or worse than a well deserved and well thought out spanking anyday. Whjy do you think so many defendants today want to put all the blame on the TV show they watched, or the songs they listened too, or the gang they hung out with - because their parents let them do it and because their parents never held them responsible for anything but instead indulged every whim no matter how immoral or ridiculously inappropriate. Are you saying that such behavior on the part of parents does not lead to formation of an irresponsible criminal mentality?

BNest regards,
Glenn B
And are you for a moment inferring that a well timed and very deserved spanking, or other form of physical punishment doled out on a child or teenager is abusive treatment of that youth?

Not really, of course - the key word is 'deserved'... that's an awful tough line to walk, and often physical punishment creates resentment that causes a rift that continues to grow until it becomes uncrossable.

I deal with abused folk on a regular basis, some worse than others, so I am a bit touchy about this one.
While not against it completely - too many so-called parents resort very quickly to it simply for convenience and out of frustration, which is imop is irresponsible and abusive.

Until you have intensively dealt with abused people of all ages, you really have no idea of how extreme the resentment of physical pain delivered by the hands of 'loving' parents can be - especially when the kid is left with no clear idea WHY.

Given that I deal with this issue so much, any knee-jerk statement of "They shoulda been whupped!" ranks right up there with "We should ban guns!" or "Ban black trenchcoats!".... it has little to do with the issue at hand, and is a counter-productive statement at best, you see ?

By the way can you think of no criminals who were extremely violent offenders who had permissive parents?

I have done a lot of research in this area, especially following the work of Andrew Vachss and Dr Bruce D Perry, M.D. of the CITIVAS/Childtrauma initiative, specifically trying to figure out what creates these 'monsters' years down the line and how to prevent children from eventually becoming LVOs - in answer to your question - no, I cannot.

You find me one verifiable case, and I might entertain the thought, but Pax put it best in that the only likely way for permissiveness to lead to such a thing, is excessive permissiveness in one generation leading to abuse in the next.

Vachss's work is more specific when it comes to criminal offenders, and so far the answer to your question is.

because their parents never held them responsible for anything but instead indulged every whim no matter how immoral or ridiculously inappropriate. Are you saying that such behavior on the part of parents does not lead to formation of an irresponsible criminal mentality?

Not at all - discipline is vitally important, and instilling self-discipline in a child may not be the easiest route, it saves legions of headaches in the long run, and a sense of responsibility and cause-and-effect is every parents responsibility to instill, it's just that such things are not something you can effectively pound into a childs flesh via osmosis, they must be taught by parents who are willing to take the time and effort and set a decent example.

Consider how you would go about a childs first trip to the range with a .22 rifle - you would be patient, set a good example, and respond quickly to correct any unsafe situation, even if it meant forcibly grabbing the rifle away - followed by a stern lecture on what just went wrong and how not to do it again, etc etc.

Parenting is probably the most important responsibility of a persons life, it affects every generation after, and when bungled - often has disastrous consequences both to the family and society at large, therefore, it should be treated with every bit of the same patience, caution and seriousness as using a gun.

I might not have got my point across so well originally, but I hope that provides sufficient clarity this time around.

I'm not a doctor, and I don't play one on TV

It is my considered opinion that the creator (who or whatever that may be) invented the butt to be padded and able to withstand the occasional application of the palms of parents.

The physical act of swatting the butt sends a surge of blood back up to the subject's brain. This has the effect of clearing the thought processes of the subject and allowing them the proper oxygenated blood within the brain to consider the results of their prior actions.

This can also be demonstrated by the simple experiment.

How many times have you just sat down (forcing blood into the brain) and remembered what you had gotten up to do to begin with.

further the respondeth sayeth naught
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