Gun Free Zone liability acts

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John Hardin

Dec 11, 2007
Okay, Arizona ( and Illinois (
have Gun-Free Zone Liability bills in the works. The time for this has apparently come. Let's all get behind this effort and push for similar laws in as many states as we can.

Post links to other proposed legislation. Post links to regional discussions, and start 'em in the appropriate places if they aren't already underway.

Here's one discussion for Washington State, and here's another.

Let's see if we can coordinate rather than having lots of small groups duplicating effort. Will the NRAILA help us out on this?
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ilbob asked:

why should anyone be held responsible for the criminal acts of another?

They aren't being held liable for the crime. They would be held liable for the failure to protect others while prohibiting others to protect themselves. It sounds like a tort liability matter. If a business does not allow someone to bring a firearm to protect themselves, the business has a responsibility to protect them. If they fail, they commit a tort.

Oooooo, these bills make me happy. Kentucky needs something like this for the next legislative session. Time to hit the phone and email. These are a great idea. Nothing like hitting corporations where it hurts, the pocket book. Establishing a clear definition of liability upon which a civil suit can be built is the best way to make malls, stores, etc. reconsider their "No legal guns" policies.
why should anyone be held responsible for the criminal acts of another?

Kinda the same thought I get every time a new "gun control" law/restriction/regulation gets passed. (I never did anything so why do I keep getting punished) <sigh>.
why should anyone be held responsible for the criminal acts of another?
Because if a business does not allow me the means to defend myself from said criminal acts, they should be required to give me the safety I could have brought myself.
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