Gun Friendly Banks & Card Processors?

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Dec 23, 2012
So, I'm sure you've heard one or two stories about some bank or other refusing to process credit card charges for firearms items. We just had it happen to us...

or rather, Boise Tactical did. They had some bolt carrier groups for sale a day or so ago. Hubs jumped on it, and ordered a couple. As you know, they've been real hard to find and one of our LGSs is building an AR - IF he can find a bolt carrier group... so we got an extra for him. (The LGS has been really good to us.)

Today, hubs gets an email from Boise, saying Elliot Management Group has refused - without any warning or explanation - to process any credit card charges from Boise. WTH?!

Sure, we've got workarounds. Paying for and having the groups shipped is not a problem. It's the principle of the situation that IS a problem.

This is getting to be too frequent an experience. I'm passing on the name of the company, in case you or a business friend are using them. Time to find a list of gun manufacturer/dealer friendly banks and card processors... and take our business elsewhere. This crap just isn't American and it's a stoooopid way to do business, as well. Maybe the ACLU could find enough for a discrimination suit, I don't know...

I'm irate - because I am a business owner (totally unrelated manufacturing) and I KNOW how this would affect my business, if a bank pulled this crap on my customers and myself. What's next? They're going to stop letting us buy fur coats and leather boots & purses with our cards (because it would offend vegans and PETA???)
I work at a bank, and while my bank isn't gun friendly, our outside credit card processor is. Their rates are cheap too, if you'd like contact info, I will give it to you via PM, but the company is based in NY, and my rep is where I live, in FL, but it doesn't mean they can't do business without being there.
Thanks - the company says it's already working on a change. I would be too.
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