"Gun Guys" an anti website

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Dec 25, 2002
Essex Co, MA
While doing some searching, I just stumbled across this website. I've never seen or heard of it before. Is anyone familiar with it?

http://gunguys (dot) com

"Where everyone's a straight shooter" :scrutiny:
"We're the Gun Guys. We bring you the best gun news and commentary from around the web. "

It is very clearly an anti website. I almost puked after reading a few of their "articles"
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Yeah, it's agitprop for the antis. Someone poked into the background on the site awhile back. IIRC handgun control Inc was behind it. They can't actually beat our arguments, so they have to invent gun nuts to attack :D

You will note there is no admission on the site about who actually writes the articles or pays for it. Typical devious antis.
It becomes extremely evident that it is an anti site when reading "Mike Magnum: Legal Protection, Not a Second Too Soon". Down toward the bottom, it says:
So, I gotta give a shout-out this month to the NRA and the gun lobby, looking out for us sleazy, illegal gun types everywhere. If this law hadn’t passed, we probably wouldn’t be here anymore. No, not because we’d be broke from paying settlements (like the gun lobby claims), but because we wouldn’t be able to do all the illegal things that are so easy to get away with now that that law is in effect.

Not to mention that the theme of the article is "I did something bad and I got off because of the NRA/gun lobbyists."

Morons. :fire:

At least the site has absolutely no gun related stuff whatsoever for any hunters on the fence. Everything is entirely political, and anti.

What scares me more is sites that go on about hunting rifles and quality shotguns, and are still for registration, against CCW, etc.

This has been discussed here before.

Certainly the political stance (and font choice) is par for the course from someone with the intellectual capacity of Terri Schiavo.

But, to my way of thinking, they've committed the much more grievous sin of being singularly unfunny.
Holy crap! Anyone read this jewel?
Neither of these situations is a question of individual rights at all– you don’t have the right to smoke, just as you aren’t guaranteed the right to carry a weapon.
And saying, "As if anyone for carrying concealed weapons wasn't loony enough ..."
Justin said:
Certainly the political stance (and font choice) is par for the course from someone with the intellectual capacity of Terri Schiavo.

Now that's just nasty.
Which road is that one on -- low or high?

I figured it was not something new, but I tried searching and the terms "Gun" and "Guys" came up a little too often. :D
I even tried using the URL to search.
www (dot) freedomstatesalliance (dot) com

Chipper, please fix your post so it doesn't have a link, linking to them increases their Google pagerank.
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