Gun homicides down dramatically, Americans unaware

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The "recent study" in the article is a Pew Research Center study dated May 7 2013. The desktop version of the article has an active link to a pdf of the study.
We aren't going to see this publicized much in the media because the agenda is to inflate and dramatize the incidents which are happening.

WE need to make it a point - it counteracts the constant drumbeat in the media, which is mentioned in the article. It also goes to pointing out that the number of states that have some form of CCW has grown exponentially from the peak in 1993. Then, less than half allowed it. Now, it's nearly 100% in some form or other, and national reciprocity is repeatedly stymied in the Senate. That day is coming.

The study will likely be attacked, if it gets enough exposure to warrant the antigunners worrying it has traction. That would be a good thing, tho, as it would mean they feel it is counterproductive to their efforts.

Thanks for posting, we all need information like this to drop into our conversations where needed. "Ah, no, actually gun violence is down 49% from 1993, and what you are seeing is the administrations agenda to outlaw guns."
Don't forget that suicide-by-firearm figures are lumped into those numbers. If you removed suicides, "gun violence" numbers would decrease by 50%.
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