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Gun lock mail in....let's do it! Feinstein, Boxer, Shumer or Lautenberg

Who do we mail the gun locks back to?

  • Boxer

    Votes: 58 56.3%
  • Feinstein

    Votes: 55 53.4%
  • Lautenburg

    Votes: 15 14.6%
  • Shumer

    Votes: 17 16.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Send the locks to Sen Herb Kohl- he's the one who's been pushing for such a law for years. It has nothing to do with safety, but everything to do with thinly disguised pandering to Master Lock co located in Wisconsin.:fire:

Maybe all of us gun owners could send our locks to a single place and commission an artist to weld them all together in the form of a murder victim holding a handgun with a trigger lock on it.
Okay, okay, if you guys insist on doing this . . .

You can't just drive a truck full of these things up to the building and dump them on the steps. Vehicle access is tightly controlled to the capitol building, and has been since well before 9-11.

And if you just dump them on the steps you may get fined for littering.

Don't think you can just hurl them at the capitol and run away- anyone seen coming with boxes of stuff is going to attract attention.

Maybe mailing them to the senator of your choice is a better idea. I'd say Boxer, since she's the source of the current amendment.
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Unintended consequences.

A box of unused gun locks provides a photo-op supporting mandatory integral trigger locks, which can not be removed.

This stunt would backfire.

No reputable gun rights group will support this stunt.

Removable trigger locks are optional, but non-removable mandatory trigger locks are forever. Please think before taking the bait.

A box of unused gun locks provides a photo-op supporting mandatory integral trigger locks, which can not be removed.

Since when do you speak for all "reputable gun rights groups"?

That is what they are going for ANYWAY!

Your setting up a false dichotemy here, either trigger locks or internal trigger locks.....and ignoring the correct alternative....No mandatory locks of any type.

Or is freedom negotiable???

Perphaps if the "reputable" gun rights organizations had worked on something like this for their MILLIONS of members a decade ago.....we wouldn't be here talking about how nice it is that we only had to give a little away to Boxer???:scrutiny:
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This is a moronic idea which the antis will use against us. Boxer et al. don't give a hoot in hell how many locks or letters we send them. They'll pile the locks up and have a media jamboree and gun owners will come off as a bunch of reactionary whackos who don't care about gun safety. Where have you guys been for the past twenty years?
We will never change what Boxer et al will think.

They continue to try to pass legislation that we try to counter.

I think the point is that we make a statement that we care enough to go beyond a form letter to a rep who probably didn't read it, nor does he/she care (yes, I can say this because I've already sent my letters). Maybe that will say something to legislature.
"I think the point is that we make a statement that we care enough "

I guess we could wear some ribbons to show how much we care......

No, an immature stunt is no substitute for keeping those cards and letters and phone calls flowing to both of your senators , telling them that you agree with the NRA and the White House that we need a clean bill with no amendments. Keep in touch with your congressman too, although the House is not really at risk.

Don't give Boxer ammo. I don't want integral trigger locks!

Don't let some guy on the Internet pull your strings, this prank would have unintended consequences.

You wouldn't want DiFi to teach AK trigger control, would you?

I am not trying to "change" Boxer's opinion...I am hopng to make more gunowners and the public at large aware of what the real agenda is.

Boxer is working on the internal trigger locks anyway....
Right. Far too many sporstman and gun owners have NO IDEA the assault weapons ban could sunset this year.

Even fewer are aware of what other anti gun issues are in legislature. We need some air time.
morganm01 -
I am not trying to "change" Boxer's opinion...I am hopng to make more gunowners and the public at large aware of what the real agenda is.
So how is sending gun locks to Boxer going to accomplish this? The "public at large" won't even know it occurred, and gunowners will only hear other gunowners say they sent their locks. Sounds like you're depending on Boxer to report the event. Somehow I don't think she's going to make a very good RKBA spokesmodel.
I'm going to squirt a bit of superglue in the locks first, rendering them even more useless. That way, they wouldn't be any good to give to anybody.
If this hasn't been mentioned yet, or you haven't seen it, www.keepandbeararms.com has a featured article ABOUT THIS LINK. Go there, read it. We HAVE TO DO THIS NOW. We've already started the propaganda ball rollin'.
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