Gun magazines on airplane?

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I read what I want, where I want.

I take Amtrak and ALWAYS have a collection of gunbooks and magazines. If a bunch of Muslim imams can sue for being singled out for their clearly questionable behavior, you BET I'd do so if I was hassled for reading Smallarms Review.

On one trip to Chicago, there was a schizophrenic on the train who hassled everyboy from before he boarded (The stationmaster SWORE they wouldn't let him on) until he got off in Elkhart. While I was waiting to be seated in the dining car, he was run out of the lounge car for swearing in front of an Amtrak executive's young daughter. I was finally seated with a very attractive young lady. She noticed I was reading Successful Pistol Shooting by Sievers. She exclaimed, "First a drunk, now somebody reading Successful Pistol Shooting!" I replied, "Why would I spend $40.00 for a book called UNsuccessful Pistol Shooting???" :D
Wouldn't worry about it.

I don't think a terrorist is going to be reading Guns And Ammo before an attack. You might be labeled a redneck or more simply a gun-nut by some... but that's about the worst of it.
We worry too much. Just do it.

I suppose having a copy of "PC Gamer" could get you picked on by a Blumberg drone over GTA.

And "Dog Fancy" would flush out the PETA types.

Wall Street Journal riles the socialists.

Mother Jones riles the conservatives.

Reason riles them both.

You can't win.

Rumors that the country has become the nation of the loud-mouthed easily offended notwithstanding, I haven't seen it. If I do, I'll be sure to give it the respect it deserves.
I used to be really anxious about reading gun magazines on airplanes. Not sure why, just felt..awkward.

Then I realized: its really important that people get used to seeing "normal" people enjoying firearms and related topics. As Oleg says, the ultimate goal is to make firearms "unremarkable". Gun mags in public is a good way to do this, IMHO.
Gun magazines are like porn .... ?

I recently was at my public library killing time and noticed out of the 30 magazines on display not one was a hunting or shooting publication. I thought the gun mags were signed out or something so went up to the desk where the nice lady told me gun magazines like porn have no place in the public library I was so surprised by her answer I was speechless and walked away feeling like a pervert.

Gun magazines are like porn .... ? :scrutiny:

I do like looking at the pictures before reading the articles .... okay :neener:
I wouldn't worry about bringing a gun mag on the plane. I would worry about bring Homemade Explosive Quarterly though
On one trip home from college on Greyhound, I read the Special Forces Programmed Text on Improvised Explosives and Demolitions. It worked to keep unwanted conversation to a minimum.

I used to always read Shotgun News while riding the bus and EL train in Chicago.
As long as you are takeing lterature and not ammunition recepticles you should be fine and make it through Security without cause.
I always bring gun rags and haven't thought twice about it. The only time I ever got a comment was when a guy struck up a conversation about hunting and told me in detail about his last whitetail trip.
I'm surprised hearing about the people that have gotten negative comments or reactions. If they do all that over a magazine would they faint if they saw someone carrying in public? If you were sitting there in coach assembling a SAW I could see raising an eyebrow but it's a flippin magazine!
Heck, no law against it (yet).

Don't sweat it. A rolled up Cosmo or GQ :barf: is a more formidable weapon than most gun mags. (They're a bit thicker you know.) :p
Good way to keep bothersome passengers away from you. I'll bring a stack with me next time I fly. I hate maknig small talk for hours.
I travel all the time and when I do I usually read some sort of handgun magazine. I always kinda think if some criminal notices that I'm reading my Combat Handguns Mag he might think twice about F'ing with me. :)
Certainly, take the magazines. If you want to make some friends, pick up some extra copies of "Journal of CounterTerrorism and Homeland Security". This magazine is now available at B & N so you don't have to be a member of IACSP any more to get a copy. For some fun, leave one on a chair in the terminal waiting area and find a discreet place to sit and watch. Inevitibaly, some fine fellow comes along and his eyes get big as saucers and he looks like he found a brick of gold. His head will spin like a top while he's trying to figure out where 'Jack Bauer' just went to. It's healthier entertainment than visiting that faux pub in O'Hare.

Oh yeah, regarding security. Just for the heck of it, a couple of times I have travelled with a copy of 'Milestones', some Ibn Kathir, and a tesbih. Zilch reaction from the fine boys of the TSA. There is still a marginal awareness that the Jihadies have an ideology. In the future I may include some musical instruments parts and see if the fine boys yet have a clue. But I doubt it. The survival instinct has not yet reached the level needed for survival.
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Hmmm, at first I thought the OP was asking if he could take his gun magazines, as in (slang) clips!!! Until he said he was going to R-E-A-D said magazines...LOL

Sitting here thinking about looking someone reading a gun magazine on a plane, makes me think of that OLD movie AIRPLANE! You know, where the boy was reading Nun's Life, and the Nun was reading Boy's Life. And the lady wanted something 'light' to read, and the flight attendant gave her a copy of famous Jewish sports heroes. (No offense intended to anyone, just remembering the movie)

Don't remember any guns in that movie, but it was funny!

It's a magazine. Read it and relax.

I think some folks would be disappointed if they took a gun mag on a plane and no one batted an eye.

"Ahem! I have a gun magazine here. Isn't anyone offended, so I can react in righteous indignation? No? Darn it!"

Folks like that, and we have all seen them, remind me of the recently open lesbian who went to my school who always carried a copy of some book like "How to Make Love to a Woman" and had a big lapel pin that said "Warm, Fuzzy Dyke". She was begging for a reaction.

Just do your thing, whether it be reading or munching, and stop worrying so much about what other people think about you. Most of them are idiots, so why care what they think?
"she was trying to get them to kick me off the plane"

Are you serious? That's the craziest thing I ever heard. She sounds like a real nut. I wouldn't worry about people like her. There can't be that many of them.

You know, this might have been a good opportunity to inform her about my current pet peeve. That is, how many of her anti-gun heroes (Rosie, Boxer, Feinstien) all have carry permits themselves. Hell, I'll bet Martha Stewart has a gun, convicted felon or not.

Or, you could have simply pointed your finger at her, said "BANG", and then shot her one of these :evil: . I'll bet she would have had a sudden bladder control problem. ;)
I always buy one or two gun mags in the airport shop for the flight. I've never noticed any reactions from doing so. I simply don't make it a point to make it more visable than I normally would or anything to purposely draw attention to myelf. Read them just like any other magazine. Think...they sell these magazines at the airport store inside the security/gate area. Where ya gonna keep em from that point? ;)
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