Have you noticed that gun magazines aren't sold in most, if not all airports?

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I wouldn't buy one even if it was on sale, at least not unless I was leaving the cattle pens. TSA is likely to send you to gitmo if they see something like that in your luggage. Remember, accepting that ticket is a waiver of virtually all rights.
Just flew home from Chicago today. While perusing the magazine racks in both Detroit and Chicago I found Guns & Ammo. So they had 1 each. While sitting at the bar waiting for my flight to leave Detroit on Sunday a guy sat down next to me with a copy of the G&A :). I did mention it was Chicago right?
Christmas Eve, when flying back to visit the family, I was bored while waiting for my plane to arrive... after the second delay. So, naturally, went to the bookstore, and I picked up Guns & Ammo. It made for some rather nice light reading while waiting for the plane. There were a few other gun mags there, but I was gambling that I'd need only one to read before the jet arrived.

I also routinely read the Rifleman while waiting in line for security at the airport, and I usually use it as my ticket cozy. :)
Its not about politics or the TSA, its about having a limited amount of rack space and filling that limited amount of rack space with the magazines that are going to sell to the widest number of people.

I imagine for every issue of Guns & Ammo you could sell in an airport book store, you could sell 1000 copies of People.

TSA is likely to send you to gitmo if they see something like that in your luggage.
Cosmo, you're making some major assumtions about TSA employees ... like that they're able to read :neener:
Both the supermarkets by my house do not sell any type of gun magazines. Neither does the local CVS drugstore.

I'm happy to say that the Albertson's in my town has a fair selection of gun

BTW.... what is Airframe?
At my old college they told me that they dont sell gun magazines because they encourage violence and other illegal activities.

Yet they sold Perfect 10, Hustler, Penthouse, Playboy, and other porn. And right next to the porn was High Times.:rolleyes:
I just flew from Cincinnati to Jacksonville for the Amelia Island Car Show. Gun mags were in Cincy, Atlanta and Jacksonville airports. Must be a regional thiing.
i flew through nashville, dallas, atlanta and raleigh-durham airports in the past week, and saw no shortage of gun rags in any of the locations.
Both Guns and Ammo and American Handgunner are sold at the Minneapolis airport. As I've traveled, I've never noticed that they are not available.
No Magazines?

Well, if they don't carry magazines, can I at least get a clip?

Next you'll be telling me they don't sell ammo, either.
I travel several times a year for business and I have noticed this too. However, they sure as hell have plenty of girlie magazines that are borderline porn! ( No, I'm not against anything anybody wants to read; it's just an observation :scrutiny: .) I'm sure it is because of the association with terrorists, violence, 911, and other fears that people have and they try to be sensitive to these issues. It would be interesting to sit between a couple of women on a plane or in the airport and have the girlie magazines open and then a gun magazine. Hmmm. This could be an interesting college study in human behavior! :D Like others, I have observed it isn't just airport shops that don't carry them. Our local drugstore no longer has them on their mag rack either. :(
I work at a small origin/destinatin airport. Our gift shop is on the sterile side of the checkpoint. We have 6 gun mags for sale. But, hey, I'm in Mississippi would you expect anything less?
There is a policy against them at my university bookstore. They have porn, and plenty of mags on celebrity trash.... but their policy is "Nothing that advocates violence."

(and no I won't list the university - I don't want them to get a surge of emails coming in about it).

I only found out about this the other day while passing by thinking about the paper I'm writing (the one that I've posted a billion times about) and thought, "hmmm... never seen Guns & Ammmo in there. I wonder......" and then went in and asked the manager.
The only gun rags/magazines I ever bought were at the Atlanta airport about six months ago. (Reminded me of why I don't subscribe to any:barf: .)
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