Gun related stuff to do while MIA

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Dec 24, 2002
Schodack NY
ok,I will be unable to shoot for weeks while recovering from do I keep "gunny",I know magazines and books and the odd fondling of my guns..any other suggestions?BTW,this will put a serious cramp in my IDPA shooting.It does suck.
I say maintain your dry fire practice routines. Take a few minutes each day and practice, practice, practice. Your IDPA skills will probably improve! ;)

Walmart has some airsoft style guns based on some popular handguns, (beretta 92s, sigs). A lot of fun for only fifteen bucks and you can shoot them in the house. They come with a sticky bullseye target so you can tell where you hit at.
Order some shooting dvd's and study some techniques. Also, keep your face glued to THR, we'll try to entertain you some. Good luck with the surgery.

Go thru all your guns, lube and clean them. If you need surgery, I assume you are an old fawwt like me and have collected enough guns to keep you busy for a while! That's what I did in December after my gallbladder surgery. That and putzing on all the firearms sites on the web that I know about!:D
Not really an old fart yet,just in poor health.I had an absese on my stomach that got infected and had to have emergancy surgery.I now have a "wound vac" on the I'm teathered to a little machine.Not that I was Mr.Active to begin with,but this has really got me home bound.Now I', fighting depression that goes along with injury,fear of the unknown future(health wise and financial)shooting has always been my refuge,something other that"life" to focus on.I'll be on THR alot to keep me distracted..thanks for the help guys and gals.....
Following heart bypass surgery last summer, I was greatly restricted in what I could do. Couldn’t lift more than 10 lbs, couldn’t do much more than go for short walks. Couldn’t shoot centerfire handguns. When I was able to get to the range, I rediscovered the virtues of .22 rimfire handguns. I was able to shoot them to my hearts content, from a sitting position.

Even after you get untethered, you will probably be restricted in what you can shoot. That is the time to break out the .22s.
Tony: hang in there! Those Wound-Vacs can be great, I've seen some remarkable healing with 'em. Also, had a home health pt (who lived in squallor) that had gallbladder surgery abcess. Dr's decided to leave the wound open and have me pack it. I could get most of my hand in the wound starting out. She did finally heal up.

Now would be a good time to make up your mind for some life-style changes (I'm assuming!) like a bit more active, drop a few pounds, watch what you eat, QUIT TOBACCO!! Really, if you use tobacco that's the only drastic change, everything else a little at a time. It's all in your head, man. LOL

Plus, what the others said!

Stay safe.
If you have not already done this, here is a sure time killer.

Take a SOLID inventory of your guns. ALL of them. Put together a spreadsheet of sorts to record Make, Model, Serial, Caliber, Purchase Cost and any specific details like night sights, etc. While you are doing it, take pictures of each gun, both sides of it.

Make a duplicate record of EVERYTHING and send one set to a trusted friend or relative. If your house ever burns down and your records are gone, you will have duplicate records in a remote location.

Good luck with your surgery!
TonyB ~

Good luck with the surgery.

When you can't physically practice, careful visualization can help you maintain your skills. Find a quiet, comfortable place. Close your eyes and picture being at the range, in as much detail as you can manage. Feel the weight of the gun on your belt, smell the burned powder on the breeze, feel the wind as it brushes past you, feel the grip as you place your hand on it, visualize the gun coming up and the perfect sight picture you see as you squeeze off the perfect shot.

Oh, and I'd order a boatload of books to read while I was laid up, too. What's on your list?

I originally thought the title meant "Gun related stuff to do in MIAMI" - I was gonna suggest walking through a few of the barrios and you'd have plent of gun related things to do :neener:

I'd drag all the guns out and give them a good inspection and cleaning - I usually find that pretty relaxing.

Good luck with the surgery!
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