Gun Rugs

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I make my own gunrugs, a pair of old blue jeans, an old towel, zipper liberated from Mom's closet of sewing stuff, and then about an hour using an old sewing machine (or if I've got things to do, I'll act like I'm having a problem and Mom will do it on her super-expensive sewing machine in like 10 minutes, the joys of still living at home). Now if I could just get Mom to embroider (spelling?) my name on the things... (she might do it if I asked super, super nicely, she's also sewn a tactical sling for me)

I hope that's a typo on that link. :what:

Kirk, I use a couple I bought at a sporting goods store years ago. Don't they have those down there???

Thick padding, big zippers and tactically dark-coloured. Keep them in my range bag so I don't know if that qualifies for hard use. I'll look for the brand when I get back to the FBP.
Thanks folks. El, believe it or not, the local sporting goods store has zero pistol rugs. They had half a dozen really crappy rifle rugs though.
Have you seen SKB gun rugs? They make quite a few different ones that you can find on a google search, but they have some with some neat features. The one I'm aiming for has 3 pockets, the middle, where the pistol goes, is lockable, and one of the two outer pockets has little mag pouches/partitions. It's pretty neat.

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