Gun safe, Deadly to pets!

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I've had my kitten jump into my safe/closet. I felted the floor and he really likes to sit on it. I've locked him in there before.
fortunately I was able to hear his mewing after he decided he did not want to be inside anymore.

Since this has become about pet stories, I am going to share one.

My cat likes to play fetch. When we are not occupied in the game, he brings me assorted things that are suitable for fetch or otherwise fit in his mouth. I have woken to find 5 or 6 crumpled receipts and a few coins on top of me. He has put smallish objects in my shoes. I cannot throw anything away because he will jump into the can to determine if it can be retrieved. I have to set things into the can.

This is another story of mine, posted over at We The Armed.

///Part 1///

My evil attack cat, "Little Bitty Pretty One", tried to claw through the window a few moments ago. This is unusual behavior for my cat. I peeked outside, and didn't see anything. I scooped up my cat, dropped a pistol into my pocket, and stepped outside. As I turned around the corner OH MY GOD THAT IS THE BIGGEST DEER I HAVE EVER SEEN PLEASE DON'T EAT ME I NEED NEW UNDERWEAR. My 4 pound evil attack cat that I was holding in my hands arched his back and hissed very angrily. The deer ran away.

So, a few questions from someone who has never been that close to a deer before.

Are they normally thirty feet tall, or was this one a baby?

The long pointy teeth and red eyes, is that normal?

Was that sound really the cat hissing or me violently soiling my drawers?

I think I am going to stay inside for the rest of the night and think about becoming a vegetarian. That deer scared the hell out of me.

///Part 2///
He's scratching at the window again...

I am going to go hide under my blankets. Man that deer looked big.
///part 3///

I bet that deer is telling his buddies about a 30 foot human with a hissing demon arm, sharp teeth and eyes that shoot fire because I have not seen him or his buddies since.

In the end, my 4 pound cat was the biggest one there. The deer and I were to busy [visiting the toilet] ourselves to do much else.


You all can keep your dogs. My cat is awesome.

I am trying to teach him to sit now.

My evil attack cat, "Little Bitty Pretty One", tried to claw through the window a few moments ago. This is unusual behavior for my cat. I peeked outside, and didn't see anything. I scooped up my cat, dropped a pistol into my pocket, and stepped outside. As I turned around the corner OH MY GOD THAT IS THE BIGGEST DEER I HAVE EVER SEEN PLEASE DON'T EAT ME I NEED NEW UNDERWEAR. My 4 pound evil attack cat that I was holding in my hands arched his back and hissed very angrily. The deer ran away.

So, a few questions from someone who has never been that close to a deer before.

Are they normally thirty feet tall, or was this one a baby?

The long pointy teeth and red eyes, is that normal?

Was that sound really the cat hissing or me violently soiling my drawers?

I think I am going to stay inside for the rest of the night and think about becoming a vegetarian. That deer scared the hell out of me.

Dude --you owe me a new keyboard --and you have to come over and clean the wall too!!!!!!!!
I have[had] 2 cats Lord Remington and Sir Winchester Both were morriss cats ! what great guys they were..
I have a deer too ====But theres not much left of him !!!
that's a stupid cat for you, and one more reason on my ever growing list of reasons why I can't stand house cats.

My daughters have two of the fur balls. I can't stand the hair they leave on chairs and stuff......:fire: Anybody else have that problem? They brush them often but the hair still comes off all over the place......:banghead:
Tacbandit said:
ahead and even then, not take things for granted. Always double check...
Thanks a lot everybody,{checks safe} especially Tacbandit, {checks safe}, you've activated my OCD {checks safe}. How am I supposed to get anything {checks safe again} done?
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My daughters have two of the fur balls. I can't stand the hair they leave on chairs and stuff...... Anybody else have that problem? They brush them often but the hair still comes off all over the place...

We used to have a long haired white cat (I hated that thing). My yellow lab sheds at least twice as much as that damn cat. Plus he insists on sitting on the furniture when we're not looking. I still like him better than the cat. Even if he farts a lot.
alemonkey writes:

We used to have a long haired white cat (I hated that thing). My yellow lab sheds at least twice as much as that damn cat. Plus he insists on sitting on the furniture when we're not looking. I still like him better than the cat. Even if he farts a lot.

I'm still laughing!!!!!!! Thanks for the response!!!!!!!!.............:p
My cat JaXX, deers.

Growls, snarls, tries to launch himself through the galss......

He likes my guns too, Ima teach him how to shoot soon.

I accidently shut my cat in a mini fridge when she was a kitten. She was in there overnight and when I finally found her, I thought she was dead. A trip to the vet got her back and acting like kittens should.
My cat jumped into the dryer as well. fortunately i heard the screams and got her out before any major damage was done
I had a cat that got locked in the dry as well... it actually survived the 30 min swirling hell.

My current cat is 14 years old, cross eye, balding, and almost as smart at a rock, but he loves to play with my rags I use to oil my guns. I think he like the taste of the gun oil and the smell of black powder:)
+1 to nwilliams!
I hate stepping on landmines left behind by dogs... that just ruins my day every time it happens... Cats always go where you never find it, plus it glows under a black light!!!! Great for parties!
I love cats, and my little buddy is always hanging around the safe when I open it. I've got to be very careful opening and closing it so I don't cat a paw/tail/head/etc.

If man could be crossed with the cat, it would improve man but deteriorate the cat.

Mark Twain
What's with that

I have a cat that MUST check out and attempt to get into ANY size box in the house incl. my gun cabinet, a kleenex box (very funny to watch), whatever. It's quite entertaining to watch......
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