Gun Shop Names

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I was thinking Abe's Gunshop also.
Abe's Shooting Suppies
Abe's Outfitters
Abe's Gun World
My best one is Abe's & Babes, Have some nice looking girls work the shop
There was a local class III shop named "Fairly Honest Don's Machinegun Parlor." Obviously their specialty was all sorts of machineguns but also carried an assortment of pistols, revolvers and rifles. Most of it was defense or fun to shoot oriented.

Another shop is called the Powder Horn and is a good place for blackpowder arms and supplies, although they carry several modern pieces, too.

If you know you want to focus on self defense (and I would recommend combat shooting sports) then a name which conveys that orientation would be helpful to catch those customers' attention.

A few ideas:
- Precision Shooting
- Combat Equipment
- Defense Guns and Gear
Step by step instructions...

surf over to

in the "business" side type in the word "firearms" (without the quote marks) in the space labeled Name or Category. In the state box anything will do, I used TX.

Click on "search"

On the next page click on the button labeled Guns & Gunsmiths and then Find.

On the far left side there is a column labeled "refine your search". Scroll down to the bottom of that and you'll see a row of number boxes from 1 to 5.

Click on box 5 (nationwide).

Now in that same column you'll see the names of the states, along with the number of gunshops listed per state. Click on any state and you'll have all the "names" from which you can possible steal a good idea.

And check your own state to see if any you want are already taken.
I would say TARGET would be a good one...but i see lawsuits in the future with it....LOL

Honest Abes trading post or armory ...everyone can remember honest abe.

... Bullseye supply.... Plinkers...
Targets r us.... The Arsenal... The ordinance store
suggestion for shop name,caution!

How about "ABES SHOOTEM UP SHOP"! As I was reading the posts & this is what stuck out to me!I'm a ffl dealer and want you to know it's tough trying to start a new shop.It takes a while to build your clientel,One thing I would caution you about is keep it simple and don't try and get to big right off start small !It will take a lot to get it off the ground and your overhead(lights,lease, phone ,inventory,ect!)will be a big chunk of your sales!Remember it will take several sales before you start making any money!The first 5 years of any new business is the hardest!Good luck on your endevors.Caution sometimes you won't make as much as you think!
Will there be a range on site as well? If so, how about:

Kill Some Time Pistol Range
I am also in the advertising, marketing and "brand-naming" business. Make sure you get a name where you can get a website URL that will work and that you will not have to change because someone else already has it.

I will think about this. pm me if you want to bounce around ideas.

Congrats on the new business! IMHO, the most important aspect of the name is to get something you will not have to change, either because of lawsuits or growth.

Best of luck with the venture!
Lots of good suggestions and advice. I'd avoid bloodthirsty or vengeful names, and I'd be sensitive to the "Honest Abe" connotations in the south, as you pointed out.

Seems to me the newest market in firearms is in the non-"professional" self-defense area --that is, the first-time gun purchaser. I could be wrong there, but a name that reflects home and personal defense would target this market and allow you to diversify a little into other things like sprays and alarms --not whole systems, but like doorstop alarms and the like.

"First Line of Defense Firearms" kind of brings out what I mean, but I don't feel overly creative this evening.
I was gonna suggest something like

Finger Bang Firearms

But that wouldn't be to PC i guess.

I like bullseye the best thus far.
One other way to go is to look around the community to see if there is a feature that fits.

For example if your land has a creek running through it you might use something like Trout Creek Guns & Ammo , Or if it is at the base of a hill area Cedar Hill Pistol & Rifle Supply.

Sometimes the county or city names can be a good call Badger County Guns & Ammo or Cedar Springs Rifle & Pistol Shop

Sometime the partner thing works well Abe & Mary's Pistol & Ammo Supply or Abe & Son Guns & Ammo

Sometimes a nice catch is to use animal names such as Buck & Doe Shooting Supplies or Black Hawk Guns & Ammo or Little Raven Pistol & Shooting Supplies

If self defense is a main issue perhaps Abes Defensive Guns & Gear

I too would avoid the blood and guts type names or the honest Abe reference, as well as I think Emporium type names are attempts to show some sort of upscale business rather than a down home type presentation - I think Emporiums are best left to the large city and downtown area's of upscale communities.
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