Gun Show Loophole

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Apr 10, 2011
What is the gun show loophole the media keeps referring to. I have been to a few shows and anytime I noticed someone buying, the FFL called in a background check. Am I missing something?
My understanding is that it's a catch-all phrase for private sales between individuals (where neither one is an FFL). Nothing to do with gun shows specifically.
The "Gun Show Loophole" is just a way of targeting all private sales between individuals.

There is no loophole. This is simply the government wanting to end all private sales.
In most of the still free United States, private sales of goods between citizens, be they mules, lawn mowers, or guns, is perfectly legal.

The gun show "Loop-Hole" is just a political catch-word coined by Handgun Control, Inc., or the Brady Campaign? (I forget which) for a legal private sale of a firearm by the owner that occurred at a gun show instead of in a newspaper add, or a face to face meeting at a flea market, or something.

There is no "loop-Hole", as private sales of firearms between consenting individuals has never been regulated at a Federal level, ever.

It is up to this point in time at least, perfectly legal in all respects, unless it conflicts with local or state laws in your jurisdiction.

What they said. It's a term ginned up, just like "assault weapon". An imaginary thing used to scare the willfully ignorant and sometimes the just plain stupid.
Gun Show Loop Hole - a hole used at gun shows to toss in any anti-gunners that enter the premises with the intent of spewing lies and ignorance in order to cause disruption. The Gun Show Loop Hole is generally deep, dark, and full of hungry piranhas. It strikes great fear in anti-gunner hearts and keeps them from attending such events. Thus, it is why Feinstein and all her ilk are so threatened by it and will do whatever is needed to have it removed by law.

Hey, it's as realistic an explanation as the nonsense they say.
I have taken advantage of the so-called loophole and believe it is a good thing. Every time the seller has taken my ID info, seen my permit to carry, and my cash. Works for me.
The term was coined because, back in the good old days, a gun show was actually that...a gun show. A lot of collectors and/or just regular guys would attend the thing and offer items from their collections for sale. There are still some like this. The gun show in Tipton Indiana is like that. You see Winchester 73s, and 86s, and all kinds of neat old guns. Bloomington Indiana was the same way. Saw about 5 Savage 99 at that one a few years ago.

Those folks are not required, and shouldn't be, to do a background check.

What most guns shows have become are "vendor expos" where all the LGS's pack up their inventory and sell at normal or inflated prices. That's what the big one here in Indianapolis is. Somebody went to one of those, saw that there were folks "exploiting a loophole"...the private citizen selling a couple of guns...and an urban legend was born..."the Gun Show Loophole".

So now (if this goes badly) a regular guy who's got an old Winchester to sell may have to either sell it to an FFL at a loss or sell it through an FFL for a cut.
catch-all phrase for private sales between individuals (where neither one is an FFL).

a term ginned up, just like "assault weapon". An imaginary thing used to scare the willfully ignorant and sometimes the just plain stupid.

The "Gun Show Loophole" is just a way of targeting all private sales between individuals.

There is no loophole. This is simply the government wanting to end all private sales.

These statements are all true.
Going to close this one as it is WELL answered at this point, here and at many other threads:

"Gun Show Loophole" -- A pejorative term intended to instill bias against the lawful practice of transferring firearms between private individuals without going through a federally licensed gun dealer. Often, but not limited to, taking place at a gun show.
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