Gun Show Rant

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Jun 15, 2005
Amarillo, Texas
Went to visit a friend at the show today and noticed a nice European production 30-06 for $225 at the table next to his. I turned to the guns owner and remarked how nice the gun was, and my "friend" interupted me saying that he would give $200 for it...while I was in mid-sentence! I see this as rudeness and in bad form for any negotiation. The rifle had been sitting no more than 4 feet from him all day, and he didn't even notice it until I alerted him to it with my remarks to the owner.
My "friend" has now been lowered to an acquaintance level in my book, at least for awhile.

Thanks for allowing me to rant. Now that I think about it, I believe that I have an obligation to let him know what he did....That I am peeved about this.
the time to have corrected him would have been then & there.

" Excuse me Jim I want to give you my full attention., if you could wait just a second for me to finish here I'd be happy to talk W/ you"
I have not gone back to my friend yet. I will tomorrow. I was simply not prepared to confront him...I have acquired a habit of being slow to confront others with my grievances, training that has served me fairly well. I think that it would have been OK to confront him right then, but I just went into auto pilot from my habit-training and did not.

(This brief wait has actually saved me from embarassment several times)
If he is a true friend, he would let you have the gun for what he paid for it. (I assume he bought it, and you know what he paid for it.)

I but I agree you have a right to be peeved, and you are a better man than a lot in the way you handled the situation.
Well, I think you're overreacting a little. I understand why you're upset, and I wouldn't have done what your friend did, but...

If you had started bargaining on price, it would have been rude to step in.
Yes,you need to talk to him about it.Not 'confront him',

If he's setting up tables at gun shows he needs to know it's 'not done'.
Yeah, I myself realized a LOT of people, including "friends" are nice to you when they want something. It seems that if it is their best interest, they'll throw you under a bus.

No, not all are like that, I do have a FEW close friends, but many are out there for themselves.

Well, my waiting period seems to have worked fine for me. I did not go back and speak to him today about this...I just got over it. I am glad that I did not react (or over-react) yesterday, and especially that the situation did not escalate.

It helped that I bought another 30-06 first thing...just showing that that particular gun was not worth any argument in the first place.

I had an overall great time at the show, and my rant---friend rant and show rant--- is officially over! :what: :scrutiny:
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